History of the Lizardfolk Myth in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

History of the Lizardfolk

Lizardfolk have a strong oral tradition, and the story of how they came to exist is the first legend taught to hatchlings. Semuanya, the breeder of all lizardfolk, had a mate in the long ago times. Kecuala and Semuanya lived in harmony together, neither one dominent. Each of them was a Watcher who prowled the primordial jungles, seeking out their enemies, a Survivor who plucked edible thigs from the ground and slew wild beasts for their flesh, and a Breeder who bore clutshes of soft eggs and buried them in the ground to keep them warm and safe. While Semuanua settled contentedly into its life, Kecuala did not. Kecuala worked its soft, gray brain with pointless questions. It made no decisions, squatting and thinking while life went on around it. When Semuanya chided kecuala, Kucuala cried, ""How can i watch or hunt or breed without first thinking? The decisions are so many and so great! What if my actions bring trouble? I must be cautios, must be careful, must think things through!" Semuanya shook its head and went out to hunt, and when it returned it found Kucuala fone. unable to conquer its indecisiveness, it had split in half and left two smaller Kecualas behind. One of the small new lizardfolk waved its sharp claws in the air, growling its desire to fight and hunt. The other hid behind its partner, hissing its will to stay home and breed, and to cover its clutch with earth to keep it warm and safe. Semuanyain its wisdom called the aggressive Kecuala "male" abd the passive Kecuala "Female" and helped them to build a place to live and breed. Semuanya watched over the Kecualas which lizardfolk still call themselves to this day and continues to guard their progeny, hoping that one day Kecuala will stop thinking so much and join its halves together again so it can watch and hunt and breed with Semuanya once more.


The way Lizardfolk came to be.


All lizardfolk know this story bot other races not so much.
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