Iarno Albrek Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Iarno Albrek

Iarno Albrek (a.k.a. Glasstaf)

Iarno Albrek, also known as "Glasstaff", was a human wizard and the leader of the Redbrands bandit gang.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was a short, dark-bearded Human Wizard that was simply known to most as "Glasstaff" for his weapon of choice, a magic staff made of glass, which was a staff of defense. Iarno was initially a member of the Lords' Alliance, who was sent to the town of Phandalin to establish constabulary (as the town did not have a powerful authority).   Albrek had a rat familiar that served as a scout. His familiar would notify him of intruders via telepathy.

Facial Features

Dark beard

Specialized Equipment

A magic staff made of glass, which was a staff of defense.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Circa 1488 DR, Iarno broke ties with the Lords' Alliance and created the Redbrands under the guidance of Black Spider. Iarno knew of Nezznar from his contacts in the Lords' Alliance and negotiated a meeting with the drow, seeing a chance to line his pockets.
Lawful evil
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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