
Overview Dominant in the eastern and southeastern shores of the Inner Sea, the Mulan are generally tall, slim, and amber-skinned, with eyes of hazel or brown. Their hair ranges from black to dark brown, but in the lands where the Mulan are most prominent, nobles and many other Mulan shave off all their hair.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Arizima, Chathi, Nephis, Nulara, Murithi, Sefris, Thola, Umara, Zolis

Masculine names

Aoth, Bareris, Ehput-Ki, Kethoth, Mumed, Ramas, So-Kehur, Thazar-De, Urhur

Family names

Ankhalab, Anskuld, Fezim, Hahpet, Nathandem, Sepret, Uuthrakt


Major language groups and dialects

Mulani and Common   Mulan spoke Common as well as one of the many tongues of the Rauric languages family, depending on their homeland. Untheric was spoken in Unther and used Dethek runes as an alphabet. Mulhorandi was spoken in Mulhorand, Murghom, Semphar, and Thay and used the Celestial alphabet, except in Thay where it used the Infernal alphabet. Chessentan was spoken in Chessenta and the Wizard's Reach. It used the Thorass alphabet as well as Dethek runes and was closely related to Untheric.

Common Etiquette rules

Mulan were a generally arrogant, conservative group, resistant to change and convinced of their cultural superiority over all others. In Thay, many even believed they were above the gods. Mulan felt they were more civilized, inventive, and capable than other ethnic groups and believed strongly in the values of order and discipline. All upper- and middle-class Mulan received at least some education, and apprenticeship at a young age was common. Mulan followed the rigid class structures of their society, and the practice of slavery was commonplace.   They also had a strong tradition in the use of magic, but disagreed over the pursuit of arcane versus divine magic. The arcane arts were lauded in Thay, but distrusted in Mulhorand and Unther.
Encompassed species
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