Reidoth Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Reidoth was a druid who spent much time in the village of Thundertree and was a member of the Emerald Enclave in the late 15th century DR.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Druid had was lean and haggard. She was said to know a lot about the land and locations in the nearby area. She did not receive many adventurers, and was rather tight-lipped. She was able to take the form of a squirrel if attacked, allowing her to swiftly scamper away.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Circa the 1488 DR, Reidoth set out from Phandalin to the ruined village of Thundertree. After discovering the village was teeming with ash zombies and twig blights, she put up a sign near the entrance, warning adventurers of the horrors.   Reidoth made camp in a building to the southwest of the village. The building was in much better condition than the others, and had iron bands and wooden shutters lining the windows. The Druid had seen cultists and even a Green Dragon in the area, and she wished it would clear out of Thundertree.   The adventurers Sizable Problems came to Thundertree and fought of the Dragon named Venomfang and the cultists of the Cult of the Dragon.


Contacts & Relations

She was old friends with Qelline Alderleaf.
Current Location
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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