Savras Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Savras (sɑːvrɑːs/ SAV-ras)

Savras , God of Divination and Fate

Savras is a god of divination and fortunetelling. Few people worship him, but many pray to him when performing small rituals of foresight. For example, young men and women sometimes attempt to divine the names of their future spouses by saying a rhyming chant that calls upon Savras while gazing in a mirror.   Savras has no currently active temples in Faerûn, and his shrines are few and far between, tucked away in the corners of libraries and scriptoria. Despite this lack of prominence, certain folk pay regular homage to Savras, including investigators, diviners, judges, and others who have a need to uncover the truth. Such individuals can sometimes be identified by the elaborate staffs they carry in homage to Savras. According to legend, Savras was trapped in Azuth's staff for ages. Azuth eventually freed Savras so long as Savras swore fealty, and today the staff is a potent symbol for those who revere Savras. Devout worshipers take great pains to decorate and embellish their staffs, each hoping that Savras might find it a welcoming place to stop for a time.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Divination, fate
Arcana Domain
Knowledge Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The All-Seeing
The Third Eye
Divination's Lord


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