Scaly Death tribe Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Scaly Death tribe

The Scaly Death were a Lizardfolk tribe in the Mere of Dead Men on The Sword North in the late 15th century DR.


In the 1480s DR, the Bullywug leader Pharblex Spattergoo killed the leader of the Scaly Death,Suncaller, and destroyed the tribe's self-esteem in the process. Afterward, the Lizardfolk entered into service to the Cult of the Dragon at Castle Naerytar. However, the Cult had also allied with bullywugs and they tormented the Scaly Death to no end, because in the alliance that the Cult made with the two groups, they gave the bullywugs the better end of the deal. However, the Scaly Death had an ally in the form of Dralmorrer Borngray, who took care of the castle where the cult operated, and paid the lizardfolk in steel weapons.   In 1488 a group of adventurers called The Forces of Nature, made an alliance against the Cult of the Dragon and the Bullywugs and defeated them.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Notable Members
Related Species


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