Storm Giants Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Storm Giants

Storm giants, known as uvarjotunen in their own language, were one of the most intelligent and respected races of giants.  
“Humans lack true awareness and most wouldn't know an omen if it walked up and kissed them on the lips. A storm giant attunes itself to the world and glimpses the future in all things, perceiving moments yet to be.”
— Elminster

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Storm giants were the tallest of the true giants to remain on the Material Plane, standing a full 26 feet (7.9 meters) in height and massing out at around 15,000 pounds (6,800 kilograms).   There were two ethnicities of storm giants; most had pale, light green skin and dark green hair and eyes, but a small number had violet skin, dark blue hair, and silver eyes.   They tended to wear fine tunics and belted sandals. When it came to armor, they often favored the use of scale mail.

Ecology and Habitats

Storm giants generally lived inside of castles, either located atop mountains, in the clouds, or underneath the ocean in castles made of coral. Those that could not sustain themselves on hunting alone often built large gardens, fields, or vineyards near their homes.



Because of their high affinity for spellcasting, storm giants were the least likely of giants to throw boulders at their opponents when engaging in ranged combat. Whenever one did resort to throwing boulders, a storm giant's tremendous strength allowed them to be hurled as far as 60 to 240 feet (18 to 73 meters). When it came to close quarters combat, they typically favored greatswords as their weapon of choice.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The head of a storm giant tribe's ordning was called a "paramount". In storm giant society, any act of mercy or charity towards a sentient being was seen as good.

Facial characteristics

Hair color(s): Pale purple-gray, deep violet or blue-black
Eye color(s): Emerald, silvery gray or purple

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Storm giants had vision that was well adapted to underwater conditions, where they saw equally as well as they did in the air. Likewise, their lungs were adapted to surviving in underwater conditions.  


Storm giants were known to innately have a high affinity for runecasting as well as traditional sorcery that surpassed the capabilities of other giant races. They were generally known to be capable of casting the spells call lightning, control winds, levitate — though unlike the standard spell, they were capable of lifting weights equivalent to their own — predict weather, weather summoning, detect magic, feather fall, light, and water breathing.   Their bodies were impervious to harm from lightning and thunder, even that discharged by a Blue Dragon. They were even capable of generating and throwing bolts of lightning themselves, at distances of up to 500 feet (150 meters). Because of this they were often responsible for sightings of lightning bolts streaking across mountain peaks.   Some storm giants held the ability to mark and claim a mortal humanoid as a Sea Spawn, either by cursing them or making a pact with them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common given names among storm giants included the following:  


Gautarr, Harrdiir, Ilknarr, Kuruth, Ogmoth, Ogmund, Ormmur, Torune, and Ulvulk.


Geironal, Helgyra, Hornarra, Mistfast, Relsif, Silkarra, Sparraxe, Talnut, Wynd, and Yimmra.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Storm giants spoke the general giant language Jotun, their own specialized version of it known as Jotunuvar, as well as Common. They were often illiterate, though to a lesser degree than giant races whose cultures put little value on education, such as Hill Giants and Fire Giants.


The storm giant race began with an individual by the name of Vilmos, one of the mortal children of Annam All-Father and Othea, who in the kingdom of Ostoria was ceded control of the lakes and seas. They and the titans created some of the greatest cities within this kingdom, featuring mechanical conveyances and galleries that would house artistic tributes to all giantkind.

Historical Figures

King Hekaton, leader of all Storm Giants and Giant Kinn.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Storm giants that dwelled on land were usually seen as being on good terms with nearby Copper Dragon and good-aligned Cloud Giants, often working with them to ensure a mutual defense.   They were often known to keep pets and guard animals. Those that lived in high elevations, meaning clouds or mountains, typically kept animals such as Rocs and Griffons. Those that lived underwater would often keep Sea lions.
600 years
Average Height
Female: 23′8″‒26′8″ (7.21‒8.1 m)
Male: 26′4″‒29′4″ (8.03‒8.94 m)
Average Weight
15,000 lb (6,800 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale purple-gray or violet


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