Umbodoben Fapplestamp Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Umbodoben Fapplestamp

Umbodoben Fapplestamp

Umbodoben is the family head of the Fapplestamp Family, and the proud owner of Gnome Depot. He works hard as the face of the bussines and is the main talking point for customers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Umbodoben is fitter than most for his age, he has wear and tear on his hands from al the writhing. His upper body does not have much muscle.

Body Features

Fine looking hands with some ink on them. He walks faster than most gnomes and is thus nimble in stature.

Facial Features

You can see little cuts and marks of the years of hard work in the Gnome Depot.

Apparel & Accessories

An apron with many pockets and different kinds of quivvers and inks. It is also covered in little bits of ink. In his chest pocket is a little notebook.

Specialized Equipment

Never ending quivver that refils itself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Umbodoben founded Gnome depot in 1226 DR and did so with his brother and wife. They started small with helping people build their homes for reasanoble prices. Eventually he had his first child Zanna. And after that 2 more children Glim and Gerbo. Now he just writes the orders and passes them on.


Umbodoben was raised by his parents and persued the craft of Calligraphy and mastered it at the ripe age of 50.


He first started working for different organizations in Waterdeep with the book keeping and accounting.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Started his bussines which is now the biggest furniture store in Waterdeep.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to make people happy with their homes and helps them the best as he can.

Personality Quirks

Keeps thiking his pen when needing to wait


Contacts & Relations

Close ties to Dagult Neverember, which he helped to decorate his own home.

Family Ties

His wife Lorilla and his children: Gerbo, Glim and Zanna.

Religious Views

Proud follower of the Gnome Pantheon.


Wealth & Financial state

One of the richer people in Waterdeep with his family bussines funding his pleasures.
Current Location
Current Residence
Gnome Depot
Dark blue
Long black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
40 lb
Gnome pantheon
Known Languages
Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Draconic.
Ruled Locations


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