Yuan-Ti Pureblood Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Yuan-Ti Pureblood

Purebloods were the most human-seeming of all true Yuan-Ti and one of three main breeds—the other two being the halfbloods and the abominations.   Yuan-ti were originally humans who transformed themselves into serpent folk through ancient rituals. Most yuan-ti were corrupted into monsters by those rites, but some yuan-ti instead became a new people who mix characteristics of humans and snakes.   Blessed with resistance to magical and poisonous effects by the rituals that created them, each of these yuan-ti manifests their serpentine heritage in a variety of ways: a forked tongue, snake eyes, a snakelike nose, or some other ophidian characteristic. However a yuan-ti looks, they have the power to pursue great good or evil in the multiverse.

Basic Information


Purebloods were described as human-like but with minor reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin.   Purebloods had weights and heights in the same range as humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pure bloods could mate with halfbloods or abominations but usually did not. Like other yuan-ti, they hatched from eggs and reached adulthood by twelve years of age. An average lifespan for any yuan-ti was 80 years, but attaining an age as great as 120 years was possible.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Purebloods served a special role in yuan-ti society by being the liaisons, agents, spies, or assassins, as they could usually readily hide their serpentine features. They also oversaw the "lesser" yuan-ti servitor subraces, the broodguards and tainted ones.
Yuan-Ti Purebloods are a Monstrous Race. You should ask the DM if you can play it.
Patron Deity:
Purebloods mature at the same rate as humans.
Average Height
4'7" – 6'6"
Average Weight
90 – 280 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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