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Nonnus is a laborer and novice at the Temple of the White Rose and the Hall of Mercy. He has so far been one of the most kind and easy-going local priests whom Shay  has come into contact with, offering to come along on one trip to the Hall of Mercy when they went to examine the large locked door.    According to Nonnus, he grew up an orphan in the facility run by the priests of Ilmater in Hlondeth. Upon becoming of age, he did the mandatory stint as a soldier in the Hlondeth military forces. After his years of service were complete, he returned to the temple and began basic priest training as he did much labor around the temple.   In the summer of 1373DR, Nonnus contracted a plague that was run rampant in Hlondeth during his last months as a soldier. He has many scars on his face from that epidemic, known as the Pox.

A former soldier of Hlondeth, Nommus has turned to Ilmater and serves the temple.

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