Heraldry of Daggerford Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Heraldry of Daggerford

The duchy of Daggerford and the Shining Baronies are no longer home to a local herald, but the area is still served by the office of Falconfree of Waterdeep, currently held by Scirkhel Wands (CG male Illuskan human ranger 6). He can be contacted at his office in Waterdeep, or he can be sent sketches of proposed arms. Although Black Vizor is based just outside of Daggerford (see Chapter 1), he has little involvement with issues of local heraldry.
  The simplified badge of the duke of Daggerford displays a bloody silver dagger pointed down on a deep blue field, worn over the left breast (as a patch) or left upper arm (as a brassard) of household servants, guards, huntsmen, envoys, etc.
  The full arms are: a shield with a vertical sky-blue band down its center (representing the river), with the left-hand part of the shield light green (representing the verdant grassland south of Daggerford), and the right-hand part of the shield deep green (representing the forested "near North"). "Floating" vertically in the upper-down-to-center part of the blue band is the vertical dagger, its silver blade drenched with crimson blood (and with a tiny droplet "ready to fall" at the dagger's tip). It has plain gray quillons and pommel, and a black (wrapped) hilt grip.
  The shield has two antlered stags as supporters (upright, mirror image of each other, so stag on the right is facing the viewer holding the shield and indicating it with its other foreleg, and stag on the left is doing the exact same thing facing away from the viewer), and underneath has a wavingback-and-forth scroll with the motto: "Never Asunder."

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