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Upgrading or Purchasing Weapons and Armor

Weapon and Item Improvements


Characters can improve any weapon or armor provided they can pay the cost and have the required influence of the the Waterdeep Council.


Uncommon (+1)

Most weapons and armor can be imrpoved to (+1). There are several craft exerpts in Waterdeep that can assist for the right amount of coin.

  • Cost: 100 gp + Base Item Cost
  • Influence: None as long as the player is in good standing.
  • Material(s): None unless the item already has enchantments
  • Time: 3-4 weeks.

Rare (+2)

Only members of the Metalmasters guild will have the skills necessary to create these powerful items. No amount of coin can purchase these services unless the the player has the blessing of the Council. Weapons and items in this category are highly sought after and highly regulated. No Metalmaster would ever risk making or selling items in this category without Coucil approval.

  • Cost: 5,000 gp + Base Item Cost
  • Influence: Waterdeep council (5 - 9). Plus the player must be in good standing with the Metalmasters guild.
  • Material(s): None unless the item already has enchantments
  • Time: 4-6 weeks.

Very Rare (+3)

Very few members of the Metalmasters guild will have the skills necessary to create these powerful items. Items in this tier are considered extremely dangerous and thus when found are kep under stict guard. Only high ranking persons would be permitted to carry such items in Watterdeep.

  • Cost: 50,000 gp + Base Item Cost
  • Influence: Waterdeep council (11 - 17). Plus the player must be in good standing with the Metalmasters guild.
  • Material(s): None unless the item already has enchantments
  • Time: 4-6 weeks.

Ledgendary (+4)

It is unknown if anyone in Waterdeep pocesses the skills necessary to forge such a powerful item

  • Cost: 125,000 - 500,000+ gp
  • Influence: Waterdeep council (17+ ?). It is unlikely the Council would permit the creation of such a powerful artifact.
  • Material(s): None unless the item already has enchantments
  • Time: ?

Examples of Enhancements

Property enhancements can be added to any item. Enhancing the item will cause the item to be infused with magic. Items with infused magic require attunement. Sometimes enhancing an item will cause the item to inherit secondary side affects. All enhancemet prices assume an the enhancement is being applied to an item in the same or higher tier. Typically attuned items may only possess one enhancement.


Examples of Tier 1 Enhancements

Cost approximalty 1,000 gp.
  • Additinal Elemental Damage (+1d4).
  • Vicious: + 7 damage on a critical hit.
  • Favored Enemy (+1d6)
  • Minor property: Cast light. Point north. Detect Goblin.

Examples of Tier 2 Enhancements

Cost approximalty 5,000 gp.
  • Elemental Damage (+1d6)
  • Favored Enemy (+1d8)
  • Add resistance to a piece of armor.

Examples of Tier 3 Enhancements

Cost approximatly 10,000 gp.
  1. Elemental Damage (+2d6)
  2. Rune Magic. (Add player secondary stat score to damage).

Examples of Tier 4 Enhancements

Cost 50,000 - 100,000 gp.
  • Weightless: Once attuned, this weapon is effectively weightless to the wielder. May be used as a finesse weapon regardless of size.
  • Head Hunter: On a natural 20, the weapon beheads the target if they are lower than half health.
  • Vengeful: If the wielder is hit by an attack, then on the next turn the wielder gains advantage to hit the (creature, opponent) that hit them.


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