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Aela Eridani

Aela Eridani

The lost Eladrin of the Feywilds was captured and enslaved on the material plane by followers of the old Cult of the Dragon who seek to restore Tiamat to her rightful throne. Now on the run, they never expected that Aela would find a means to esacepe their control.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Atheltic build

Facial Features

Eyes swirl with irridescent colors

Identifying Characteristics

Magical markings cover the front and back of her torso and her arms. They look like lightning crackles that give off a soft glow of magenta and aqua swirling light.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Cloak with a cloak pin that is in the shape of a butterfly
  • Worn traveler's clothing
  • Manticles with broken chains around both wrists and ankles
  • Leather belt choaker around neck
  • 4 piercings in ears, two leaf earrings dangle from ear lobes, two rings on top right ear

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Mental Trauma

Sustained mental trauma from the experimentation performed on her by the Cult of the Dragon. This has caused her moods to be erractic, resulting in her shifting through Eladrin seasons more frequently, and bursts of rage.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Has a hatered towards mages and wizards. She believes they only seek power which will result in doing hard to others like they have done to her.


Religious Views

Corellon Larethian

Social Aptitude

Her social aptitude depends on her current season as he personality traits change with the season she is in. In Winter, she can be seen as very cold and short with others, while joyful and overly friendly during her Spring season. One thing is for sure, when she wants something from someone, she is not afraid of using intimidation.

Once enslaved and experimented on by the Cult of the Dragon, Aela, an Eladrin Barbarian, is on the run seeking answers and justice against those who tortured her.

Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, and Sylvan

2nd of Flamerule 1495 DR

Last night a visitor from the feywilds came to me in my trance while I was locked up like some kind of an animal in my cell. At first, I thought I was simply going mad. Some side effects of the wild magic but, they told me what to do, how to escape this torture. I trust them, quite frankly, if I am ever to see the skies of the Feywilds again, I don't have any other choice...

The Earthen Bough
12th of Flamerule 1495 DR

I made way to the local tavern run by the drow Touris to see if he knew of any work I could do. While I was there three men walked into the tavern, also inquiring about work. A gnome, a man made of rock, and a tiefling from the wood... a very peculiar lot I must add, but it seemed our current goals aligned so we decided to work together for the time being. The man made of rock, Ragnos, had business with a merchant named Dorgo, whom Touris had explained to me that he was looking to hire security for his caravan, so we set out to meet with him.   Ragnos speaks very calmly for someone who looks like he has seen battle before. He could very well be a nice ally to have if and when the cultists show up for me. As for his traveling companions, the gnome Boddington seemed to have some dealings in magic and wizardry... I don't trust him. The tiefling's parents gave him an unfortunate name, naming him after a devil whose name I wish not to write down. I am sure he means well though. When I saw the wood elf, Lendeer, I felt nothing for my lesser kin at first. For in the past they had always treated me with such disrespect. I was hasty to make that judgement for he was a kind, soft spoken, and a respectful man of faith.   After speaking with Dorgo, it was apparent we needed weapons to escort his caravan. I told them of the old adventurer who helped me and suggested he may be able to help or at least guide us in the right direction. When we arrived his home was broken into, his body lifeless laid out on the floor in a pool of crimson. I could feel rage building up inside of my chest. The gnome searched the house, describing the events that had unfolded here in detail. It was either the truth, or wizardry fabrications. Lendeer aided me in moving the body to the bed and performed a burial rite for him.   In the winter, it is all about survival, so we gathered up whatever gear we could find from the old adventurer. Looking out the window I noticed two men approaching and waved out to them for help. As they fled, my instincts kicked in and I knew they must have come back to finish clearing out the house. Bolting out the door after them, my new companions followed until their trail led us to an old dilapidated house in the poor district. We could hear angry though nervous voices coming from within, waiting with arms ready to strike us down. Ragnos busted down the back door as I kicked in the front door.   We had found the killers and I seek answers.

A New Day
11th of Flamerule 1495 DR

Last night was the first good nights rest I had in a long time, even if it was on a makeshift bed of hay in an old barn. The temperature was pleasant, not to warm and not to cold that night. I could hear the crickets singing their songs as if they were playing me a soft lullaby. It reminded me of laying out in the fields in the Feywild, staring up at the sky above. It was peaceful, tranquil even.   In the early hours, before the sun would rise, I made my way down to a nearby lake and would bathe under the cover of darkness. Although the adventurer was kind to me, I did not know the temperament of the local residents of this town yet. I have to be careful, always watchful of my surroundings. I never know when or if my captors will show up to reclaim me.   As the morning light began to shine, I saw the adventurer sitting on the steps of his house and approached him, to thank him for his generosity. We exchanged pleasantries and he mentioned I should head into town and inquire about any odd jobs. A way for me to make some gold while staying in town, for how long I do not know yet.   My first order of business is to procure enough gold for food and supplies. Second, to purchase a weapon, a means to defend myself in the event of the cults return. I can feel the wild magic inside me stirring, but I do not know the extent of what was done to me or how to use these so-called-gifts that were bestowed upon me. The marks that riddle my body sometimes ache to the touch, but I have managed to ignore the pains, for now at least.

The Town
10th of Flamerule 1495 DR

I came across the small town of Stonewood, on the outskirts of the forest. Upon my arrival I met an old adventurer living in a house just outside of the town. He offered me aid, gave me food, water, and told me of the old abandoned barn just up to way. A place where I could seek shelter. It was the first act of kindness I had received from someone since my arrival on the material plane. All I've known before that were power hunger mages, cultists who worshiped an deity who no longer had control of this land. He was warm and kind... someone whom I could call a friend.

The Woods
7th of Flamerule 1495 DR

Magic brews within these woods. Faint images of what appears to be the Feywilds, fade in and out of view, and the noise of the wood makes it difficult to sleep. I came across an old abandoned campsite, perhaps left by some traveling adventurers. They left behind a few goods, nothing of particular use other than a small satchel of berries and a days ration. That was enough to keep me going. I need to press on, maybe I can find a near by town off the tree line?   Corellon... please guide me to safety.

The River
4th of Flamerule 1495 DR

The fey visitor was right! I followed their directions to the letter and made it out in one piece! It has been days since I have been on the run and I am not sure if my captors are hot on my trail. I managed to find some fresh water from a nearby river and took shelter for the night in a small cove in the mountain side.   This isn't easy without the proper supplies, I don't know how much longer I can carry on.   I see a forest in the distance. I'll try my luck there come dawn. Perhaps I can find something to hunt or even berries to sustain my hunger...


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