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Touris Velkyn

Touris is the jovial and well-natured proprietor of the Earthen Bough tavern in the village of Stonewood. A Lolthsworn Drow that abandoned the ruthless and backstabbing society of the Underdark and escaped to the surface to claim a new life for himself. He understands the fear present in his clientele, and tries not to let their ignorance bother him, but from time to time he becomes exasperated by just how small-minded the townsfolk of rural Chondath can be.   He does not speak of his escape and the difficulty of his subsequent climb out of the Underdark, yet the scars that cover his hands and arms tell a grisly story. Nonetheless, Touris seems none the worse for wear, and treats all his guests with the same level of cordiality and good humor... As long as they have the coin to pay.  


Touris Velkyn is a striking figure among the inhabitants of Stonewood. He is a male Drow, standing at about 5'8" with a lithe, agile build. His skin is a deep, velvety black, typical of his kind, but his eyes are a vivid, almost unsettling shade of violet that seem to shimmer with a knowing light. His hair is long and white, cascading down his back in loose, silky waves, often tied back in a practical yet elegant fashion. Facial Features: Touris’s face is sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a narrow, pointed chin. His ears are long and elegantly pointed, accentuating his otherworldly appearance. He has a confident, if slightly mischievous, smile that rarely leaves his lips, and his eyes are constantly darting about, as if assessing everything and everyone in the room.  


Touris dresses in finely crafted garments that blend practicality with a touch of flair. He wears a dark, fitted tunic made of a durable yet stylish fabric, adorned with subtle silver embroidery along the cuffs and collar. Over this, he sports a vest with intricate patterns that reflect his Drow heritage. His trousers are tucked into knee-high leather boots that are polished to a high shine. A belt with various pouches and a small dagger completes his ensemble, hinting at his readiness for both hospitality and the occasional altercation.  


Touris has a charismatic and affable demeanor, always ready with a quick joke or a knowing comment. Despite his pleasant exterior, there is an undeniable sharpness to him, a keen sense of business acumen and a subtle cunning that betrays his background in the Underdark. He’s a master of reading people, able to quickly gauge their desires and weaknesses, which he uses to his advantage in negotiations and interactions.  


Touris moves with a graceful, almost fluid motion, a remnant of his Underdark upbringing where agility and stealth were paramount. His voice is smooth and melodious, with a slight, enigmatic lilt that can be both soothing and intriguing. When conversing, he often leans in slightly, his violet eyes locked onto his interlocutor’s, giving the impression of intense focus and genuine interest.  

Life Before Stonewood:

Having escaped the harsh and dangerous environment of the Underdark, Touris found solace in the quieter life of a tavern keeper. His past experiences have made him resourceful and street-smart, but he harbors a certain nostalgia for the intricate politics and elaborate social games of his former homeland. Though he now lives in the relatively peaceful village of Stonewood, he retains connections and a network that sometimes influences his business dealings.  

As a Tavernkeeper:

Touris is known for his ability to brew a special blend of ale that has a unique taste and subtle effects. This drink is a favorite among locals and travelers alike, and its recipe is a closely guarded secret. The ale is said to have the power to enhance charisma or soothe the weary, depending on how it is prepared.


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