Baen Gypsumaxe in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Baen Gypsumaxe

Baen is a Dwarven ranger, whose purpose for being in the Forsaken Company (now the Savage Seven) is unknown. He is a master tracker, hunter and marksman. Covered in crossbows, axes, leather and fur, Baen makes up for his lack of social graces with wilderness knowledge (especially in swamps). He seems not to understand the value of money, often giving away large sums of gold or rejecting payment for work.   During the crisis with the Brambleberry child, he showed himself willing to do anything to accomplish the mission when he shot the child in the leg with his crossbow to diffuse the situation.   After King Dagna was executed, the new King provided the group with a list of King Dagna's secret bounty hunters and assassins. Baen's name was on the list, but scratched out with a note saying he was exiled to the forsaken company.   After the savage seven ended up in the nine hells, Baen escaped torture and gained the powers of a swarmlord from his experience.


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