Kathra Fireforge in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Kathra Fireforge

Kathra Fireforge is a cleric of Haela Brightaxe and an accomplished smithy. She joined the Forsaken Company (now the Savage Seven) after being arrested in Mithral Hall for selling her goods on the black market (to dissidents in the moonwood). Clan Fireforge remains loyal to King Dagna and has disavowed her.   Despite traveling with criminals of questionable morality, she remains the party's moral compass and tries her best to keep them on the right side of the law.   For her aid in uncovering the Duergar plot in Mithral Hall, she was given a custom-fitted set of dwarven plate armor emblazoned with the crest of Haela Brightaxe.   Kathra's magical ability and skill as a smithy continue to grow. For their journey east, she outfitted a carriage with metal plating and crafted a metal lockbox to hold their wealth. After clearing out the ooze temple beneath hilltop, she used her clerical magic to instantly form an iron lid over the entrance to the temple in order to seal it.   After the savage seven ended up in the nine hells, Kathra's faith was tested several times as they were forced to deal with devils and other foul creatures. After helping to slay a unicorn, she momentarily lost her connection to Haela Brightaxe. But when the time came to wield the sword of Zariel, she took up the artifact and wielded it against the archduke of avernus. For her sacrifices and tests of faith, she was allowed to keep the angel's wings that sprouted from her back when she attuned to the sword (even after the sword was destroyed when Zariel died).   During the quest to slay the lich Szass Tam in Thay, Kathra was one of 2 survivors of the group known as the hellraisers. She was granted landed knighthood in Cormyr and a small estate in the countryside, where she built up her own forge and once more made the name "Fireforge" a master's mark.


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