Keladrien in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Keladrien is a high elf wizard and newest member of the Forsaken Company (now the Savage Seven). He originally joined with Alton, but when the halfling was killed beneath the pyramid he met up with Nalzmyr and joined the rest of the group. He has shown himself to be adept at magic, as well as open to experimentation with substances (mushrooms with Nalzmyr). He was very interested in the necromancer Aldred Blackwood's spellbook.   Since traveling with the group for some time, he has become more open about his study of necromancy, even going as far as raising a skeleton to help them fight the aberrations in the obelisk of illuun.   He has taken to collecting the spellbooks of enemy wizards to bolster his own collection of spells (and as trophies).   Keladrien researched the Netherese Empire and the Phaerimm during the group's month-long downtime after defeating Illuun and freeing Silverymoon from the Arcane Council.   After dying during the battle against the black dragon beneath Nesme, Keladrien returned from beyond the veil with newfound arcane knowledge.   Since his brush with death, Keladrien has come to understand the value of living adventuring companions.   Following the group's death and emergence in the nine hells, Keladrien has abandoned any altruistic inclinations and seeks only to escape hell and learn all he can from it during his stay. After helping Arkhan the cruel kill archduke Zariel of Avernus, Arkhan gifted him with the recipe for a potion that will turn him into a lich should be also find the ritual that goes with it.   Keladrien decided to stay in hell when the savage seven returned to the material plane with the city of Elturel.


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