Pan in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Pan is a wood elf bard from the moonwood, specializing in the college of swords. He joined the Forsaken Company (now the Savage Seven) after Silverymoon arrested him for "magically" seducing a high elf lady and her brother. He wields two scimitars into battle, reciting poetry to inspire his fellows and using his bardic magic to enhance their abilities and confuse their foes.   Pan acts as the ambassador of the party, talking his way into and out of any situation. He's proven himself as both a compassionate hero to the needy and a deadly fighter against evil.   While in Silverymoon, Pan was recognized by the wood elves of the moonwood. He seemed quite well known among them, especially for his romantic affairs. One of them suggested the name "Pan" is in reference to his "endowment" ("hung like a Satyr," he said).   Pan has taken to using hallucinogenic mushrooms recreationally.   After leaving Nesme, Pan discovered his animated cloak of billowing to be sentient. After communicating with it in some form, he gained some magical ability to influence others through the cloak.   He continues to seek out mind-altering substances wherever he goes.   While in the nine hells, Pan managed to bed a night hag named Mad Maggie. He attempted to bed another night hag named red ruth and failed. His experiences in hell have been less than horrific.   Pan died in the Thaycreep battling a death tyrant in search of the lich Szass Tam's phylacteries. He was raised as a zombie and destroyed by Kathra.


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