Sai in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Sai is a 15-year-old human who was arrested for arson when discovered at the scene of a burning warehouse in Nesme. He is skilled at martial arts, and seems to enjoy the act of taking life. He fights with a long, slender sword in his off-hand used mostly for defensive purposes. Sai refuses to reveal his true name, prefering to be called Gorgio.   While shrouded in mystery and seemingly devoid of empathy for others, Sai recently began trusting the party somewhat after nearly dying while fighting the green dragon Jaerathindryl.   Since his encounter with the dragon, Sai has shown himself to be every bit as brave and heroic as his adult companions, often fighting at the forefront of their battles.   While traveling through Nesme after returning from Silverymoon, Sai was accosted by a group of men from the "reapers" who suggested they know something about his past. He was deeply troubled by this encounter and remained extra vigilant afterwards.


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