
Jalanthar is a hamlet located on the trail between Everlund and Sundabar and is a stop on the Rauvin River situated between the Moon Pass and Everlund.  


  The buildings are half-buried in the ground and look like green hills. Many of the new buildings are built directly into the hillside and are covered with turf to resist burning. Additionally, they have strong doorways to resist battering. Most of the inhabitants of Jalanthar know the surrounding area and have had experience clashing with orcs and other raiders. A council of elders administer the village and the entire community. Most of the inhabitants are trappers and hunters. In addition to the fur trade, they hire themselves out as guides.  


By 1372 DR, the hamlet relocated from the south bank of the river to the foothills north of the river due to repeated orc raids. The hamlet was overrun on multiple occasions, but the inhabitants retreated to safety into the mountains. In 1372 DR, the defenses were boosted by a troop of the Argent Legion camping in the old ruins. This allowed the locals to better protect themselves in the event of attacks.  

Places of Interest

The Crowing Cockatrice is a popular inn and tavern known for serving Jalanthar Amber. It is run by Myles Heldruin, a young friendly human who is eager to please those with coin to spend.
Population: 226   Races
  • Humans 49%
  • Dwarves 40%
  • Half-Elves 4%
  • Lightfoot Halfings 6%
  • Others 1%
Related Reports (Primary)

Articles under Jalanthar