Session 11: Vallaki Report

General Summary

The party, licking their wounds from their encounter with Morgantha and her sisters, slowly make their way to Vallaki.   As they enter the town they notice a stark contrast to the town of Barovia. The town is more lively and posters and remanence of a recent festival can be seen. The party quickly makes their way to the Blue Water Inn.   Upon arriving they are greeted by the friendly inn-keeper Urwin Martikov. They are able to secure a room and quickly make friends within the tavern. Urwin tells them of the trouble he is having getting wine from the only winery in Barovia, the Wizard of Wines. The players agree to help him by seeking out why he is no longer receiving his wine shipments.   They also meet a curious looking man who appears to be a bard and claims to be a carnival ring master and goes by the name of Rictavio.   They also meet a pair of wolf hunters name Szoldar Szoldarovich and Yevgeni Krushkin. They offer to guide the party to the wizard of wines or to Kresk if they need, but for a price.   They make a quick pitstop into Blinsky's toys where they meet Gadof Blinsky, a curious looking man wearing a Jesters Cap and a monkey sitting on his shoulder. They are intrigued by the items there but they do not have the coin to make a purchase. They are able to tell via detect magic that there is something magical in a box behind the counter. The party however opts not to inquire about the items in the box as they hatch a plan to sneak in later to investigate.   The players eventually head out of the tavern after resting up and head to St. Andrews Church where they meet father Petrovich. He tells of them of the recent theft of the Bones of St. Andrews. The bones are magical and protect the church from evil and undead. He tells the party that the only person he has mentioned the location of the bones to is Yeska, the young alter boy. After confronting Yeska the party determines that Yeska informed Milivoj of the bones and they suspect he was involved in the theft.   They players learn that Milivoj is out so they head into town. It does not take long for the party to track down Milivoj coming out of the coffin makers shop just across the road. As the team confronts him he quickly confesses that he did in fact take the bones. He says that he was hired by Henrik van der Voort to steal the bones and bring them to him. He says he was only paid half of what he owed. He also says that he only did it to get enough money to pay for food for his family. The party lets him go and heads to the Coffin Maker shop.   The party approaches the shop and knock on the door. They are quickly dismissed by Henrik as he tells them they are closed. The players then devise a plan to sneak Perrin inside invisible as Cormack attempts to buy a coffin. The players once again knock on the door and insist that they need a coffin immediately. As Henrik and Cormack chat, Perrin sneaks inside the shop...