Session 12: A Swim in Lake Zarovich

General Summary

  In the coffin shop, Cormack is able to convince Henrik to make him a coffin suitable for a halfling. Henrik asks him to come back in an hour. The party sets out to go back to Binsky's to inquire about the magical items in the box behind the counter.   Perrin, still invisible and inside the Coffin Shop, is able to sneak his way upstairs completely avoiding detection. After a short time he is able to find what appears to be Henrik's bedroom and in it he finds a small stash of gold and a huge bag of bones. Noticing that the bones and coin are not invisible, he slowly makes his way downstairs and waits for Cormack to return. When Cormack arrives he is able to sneak out, however, not before being noticed by Henrik. Henrik makes no move to stop the theft and acts as though he has little care. He lets the party leave without any resistance but tells Cormack he knows he is involved.       The party then heads out to the Vistani camp just outside of town. There they meet Lucash and Arrigal, two brothers who lead the Vistani camp. The players quickly learn that Lucash's young daughter Arabelle has gone missing. The players are able to quickly investigate and determine that someone within Valaki has taken her. The next morning the go to the place where she was abducted and find tracks leading them to Lake Zarovich. Once there, they see a man in a boat out on the water throwing what appears to be a large bag with something moving inside of it, into the water. The players quickly race out and retrieve the bag and save young Arabelle. In the process of chasing down the man who took Arabelle, Olaf chunks his spear skewering the man through the neck killing him instantly.    
  The Vistani, feeling very gracious, thank the group and invite them to dine and camp with them for the night. They gift the party an expensive bottle of wine that they are able to use for trade. The next day the party heads back to Vallaki for a few last minute stops prior to leaving for the town of Kursk. Binsky's and buys all 5 magical puppets and then to the Blue Water Inn for one last stop before heading on to Kursk.   Their first stop is at the Blue Water Inn where they run into Urwin Martikov and Rictavio. Urwin Martikov reveals that his father, the patriarch of house Martikov, Davian Martikov, is the owner of the Wizard of Wines. The players inquire about the green fey gem and they are told they must speak with him. The party tries to convince Rictavio to join them however he politely declines. He tells them that he lives not far to the west of Villaki however he prefers to work alone. He mentions that should their paths meet again perhaps we will reconsider.    
    The party then heads to Binksy's toys where they buy the rest of the magical puppets using the bottle of wine given to them by the Vistani. After gathering their things they decide to swing by the stock yards as they head out where they see a large carnival wagon similar to what was foretold by Madam Eva. As the party investigates they seen none other than Rictavio walk up and exclaim that the wagon is his. The party tries to figure out the riddle of the fortune teller however Rictavio appears to be at a loss. The players try to convince Rictavio to accompany them on their adventures however he politely declines and says he will accompany them as far as the his home to the west. They set out later that day on their journey and as they speak with Rictavio the learn that he is Rodlph Van Richten, the famous monster hunter!

Rewards Granted

The Faceless Bride(+2 to charisma saves) Werewold(+2 to hit vs werewolves) Marionette Jester(+2 to dex saves) Zombie Cleric(+2 to all heals) The Vampire Strahd(+2 to hit vampires)