Session 13: We knew it was too easy!

General Summary

  The party sets off with Rudolph von Richton towards the west on the Old Svalich Road. As they approach the Luna River they decide to stop so Rictavio can let his huge sabretooth tiger out to feed. As they are enjoying the afternoon Ricatvio hears something off in the distance and immediately alerts the party. They quickly pack up and move on their way. As they start to cross the river they see several men come out of hiding on each side of the river. One of these men is Henrich van der Voort, the coffin maker. He quickly points out the caravan to a man and then hurry's off. It is clear to the party at this stage that this has something to do with the bones of St. Andrews.    
  The party is quickly surrounded and attacked by 5 vampire spawn. It is immediately clear that the party is overmatched. Van Richten quickly casts a defense spell that acts as a barrier that prevents the undead creatures from entering. In the midst of the battle, Rictavio disappears and appears to have abandoned the party, only to reappear just seconds later back in the magic circle he created. The battle quickly comes to a stalemate as the vampire spawns hide out of range from the party waiting for the spell to end. Rictavio however reveals that he went invisible in order to retrieve and item that he believes may help get the group out of its predicament. He holds up a star shaped medallion and tells Sylas to study and attune to its magic. Rictavio reveals that he does not know its full origin or power but he knows it is a holy symbol of great importance.         Up attuning, Sylas is able to harness the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind to ultimately help the party defeat the vampire spawn by showering them in sunlight. The party is able to defeat the vampire spawns and prepare to travel onward.