Session 17: Dinner with the Devil

General Summary

Party is in Valaki after having ordered a wedding dress form the seamstress working for lady Wachter. Lady Wachter asks the party for a small favor, that they put in a good word with the bergomaster to get his daughter Nina to wed Lady Wachters son Nikolai.   As the party departs Wachter house they head down to the town square to inspect the goods available. While in the town square they strike up a conversation with the 5 prisoners locked in the yard. As they speak with them they learn that most of the prisoners are locked away for fairly munadane reasons and the youngest of them, the small boy who people refer to as the Naroon boy, is on trial for murder. The party suspects this is quite unlikely but have not proof to support this theory. As they speak with the prisoners they catch the attention of the local guard and more specifically Izek Strazni. Izek does not interfere with the party but he does not hide his presence or the fact that he is keeping an eye on them. They happen by the local tanner and learn that his daughter Beleny has been taken by wear wolves and he fears for her life. After selling the party a few odds and ends he tells them he as a special leather armor he will give to them should they bring back his daughter. The party eagerly accepts and agrees to find Beleny who they believe has been taken by a young wearwolf named Bilneth.   They then go to the blue water inn where they meet with Erwin Marticov, Rictavio and Esmerelda. The party quickly determines that Esmereld is in one prophesized to accompany them to defeat lord Strahd van Zarovich. Esmerelda tells her she has business to attend to but that she will meet up with them in due time. They make a plan meet with the Bergomaster after going to the wearwolf den. The plan is to have Erwin introduce them when they return.   The party decides to turn in for the nightand the next morning they find Rictavio murdered with anohter invitation from Strahd. Esmerelda, devestated by the loss of her mentor, takes Rictavios body and leaves. The party is left with a tough decision:   Do they go to there werewolf den? do they meet with the bergomaster? Do they just wait for the wedding dress? Do they accept Strahds invitation? Do they go to Arghanvaustholt to look for the sword of sunlight Do they explore the druid circle south of the Wizards of Wine? Do they go back to the Wizard of Wine and ask Davion Martikov about the green fey gem that they should have asked about the first time they met him? Do they look for the cursed water Fey in the ruins of Berez?   The players decide to head to Rvaenloft under the assumptin that any delay in their arrival may be met with more hostility. They dark carriage meets them outside the city and quickly whysks them away towards the castle. As they arrive, they are greeted and brought to the dining hall by Rhahadin, where they find Strahd playing the Organ.  

Strahd welcomes they party and introduces them to his consorts. Lumiela Villasevic, who is one of Strahds three bridess, is a quiet and cold woman who spends her time studying magic and running the day to day of the castle. Anastrasia, another of Strahds brides who used to be a noblewoman in Valaki. It is obvious that the mere mention of Tatiana or Ireena discusts her and she is clearly in love with Strahd. Valenta Popovsky, the last of Strahds three brides, is a former street urchin from Barovia. She is the youngest of the three brides but is tasked with its protection. Escher, a young bard who was turned by Strahd after he and his adventuring party attempted to kill the Lord of Barovia.   They group feasts and learn of Strahds displeasure at them helping Ireena get to Sergi. As the evening progresses Strahd continues to question the group to learn more about who they are and what their goals are. Once he has determined that he has the information he needs he retires for the night giving the characters free reign of the first floor. He does however warn them that his promise of protection ends at midnight.   The party wastes no time before trying to seek out the treasures of the castle. They find a magical set of armor that is quickly utilized by the group until they are warned by Escher not to leave the castle with it on. Escher also confides inthe gorup telling them that he too wishes to leave the castle and Barovia. As a token of good faith he tells them the location of the icon of Ravenloft in addition to warning them of the cursed armor.   After scowering the first level of the castle the group sets out in haste to get as far away from the castle as possible. They leave the gates and decide to camp not far from the old windmill where they encountered Morgantha. Using a tiny hut they are able to safely sleep through the night...