Session 19: The Abby Report

General Summary

The party, having slaughtered the leaders of Vallaki, are faced with the angry mob of townsfolk who surround them in Vallaki. Realizing the impact of what they have done they are hesitatnt to attack the townsfolk. As things get tense the party tries to force their way out but are attacked as they try to break through the mob. Just when it looked like things were going to get out of hand, their savior arrives! Lady Wachter calms the crowd and tells them that she will make sure that justice is delivered and that the will get what they deserve.   She then escorts the party back to Wachter Hause and tells them that the dress is ready. She reveals that she now knows who the dress is for and would have done it for free had she known from the start. The party quickly deduces that this is somehow tied to Lord Strahd. She tells them that she plans to take her place as bergomaster and will tell the village that the party has been slain. Because of this the party is to be exiled from Vallaki and they are told not to return. She opens a portal which transports them half way to Kresk, where she instructs them to visit as soon as possible to deliver the dress.   The party quickly makes their way to Kresk and meet with the Bergomaster who is deleighted to see them with the dress. He gives them a warm meal and place to rest before heading up to the Abby.   The next morning the party promptly makes their way to the Abby where they are greeted. The meet the Abbot and deliver the dress, they discover the dress is indeed for Lord Strahd and it is to be worn by a woman who was created by the Abbot specifically for Strahd. The party is given a meal and told they are welcome to stay the night. He tells them that if they are all true believers in the morning lord they will be safe. They are free to roam the grounds but should be careful.   In the main hall the parties trigger a trap that causes them to be attacked undead creatures but they are able to fight them off. The party explores the mainhall, the prison cells and then they find the tome of strahd in the nursry near the barracks.