Session 22: The Green Gem

General Summary

After killing off the druids in the ritual circle the party spots a strange tree on top of the hill and slowly apprach it. Weary from their previous fight they are careful not to go rushing in. They notice standing around the tree a number of creatures protecting it. The party shoots the tree from afar with a fir bolt and immediately notice that the tree spawned more and more creatures as it was damaged by magic. They slowly make their way to the tree fighting off a hoard of needle blights, vine blights, and tree blights.   The quickly notice a magical axe embeded in the tree. Using the axe they are able to cut the tree down, and inside of it they find the sacred Forrest Gem that they have been searching for.   The party wastes little time at Yester Hill fand heads back to the Wizard of Wines. True to their word, Davian Martikov agrees to accompany the party to restore the Forrest Fane. In order to do so, however, they must travel back accross Barovia.  
The party sets out with Davian and two of his soldiers towards the old Bonegrinder Mill. On the way there, the party stops and the Vistani camp outside of Vallaki. There they notice more and more bodies lining the walls of Vallaki. Perrin takes the opportunity at this stop to sneak back into the town and deliver the news to tanner that his daughter is alive and well. He is quickly rewarded with the tanners most prized posession, a magical studded leather vest.   The next morning the party sets out to the east but instead of stopping at the mill, they decide go to the Village of Barovia to capture Morgantha while she sells her pies. The party engages her quickly and realizing she is seariously outmatched, she uses her magic to escape.   The party decides to rest that night in the old Bergomaster Mansion that belonged to Ireena Kolyana and Ismark Kolyanovich . While sleeping three of the party members(Olaf, Pickard, and Perrin) are attacked in their dreams. One of them notices a vision in their nightmares, a vision of Morgantha herself. The parties very life force was being sucked out of them while they slept....