Session 27: Mordenkainen & Baba Lasaga

General Summary

Party sets out to find Mordenkainen. known to the locals as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. He is known to roam the area North of Lake Zarovich at the base of Mount Baratok. The party proceeds to cross the lake and as they do, they see a man off in the distance. As they approach the shore they attempt to communicate with the Mad Mage but he is clearly under some type of mental imparement. The party follows him to the base of a cliff at the edge of Mount Baratok. He uses a clever illusion to trick the players and escape into his hidden home. The players discover that the entrance to an elaborate mansion is just behind the cliff wall which is merely an illusion.   Up on entering they encounter the mage and, using a powerful healing magical gem, they are able to cast greator restoration on the mage freeing him from the evil curse placed upon him. He tells the party of how he came to be in Barovia, the attack he mounted on Strahd, his plight to free the people, and his eventual failure to defeat Strahd.   He tells the party of his secret order, lead by one of the most powerful wizards the world has ever known, Elminster. He mentions he was sent here by the order to free these people and destroy the evil Lord Strahd. He tells the party of the Vestiges of Divergence and how it differs from the Vestiges of Creation and the Vestiges of Destruction.   He tells the party that some of his valuables have gone missing and that it is imperitive that he retrieve them, however, he will assist them in bringing down lord Strahd. He mentions that when they are prepared to take him they can summon him with a magical coin which he provides to them. It is a heavy coin made of a strange metalic metal with the black inlay of three letters NPU.   Mordenkainen bids the party fairwell and they head out to continue their quest to restore the Fanes. The party sets their sights on the ruins of Berez, where they know that the water fey has been corrupted and turned into the evil being, Baba Lasaga. The party makes its way there and find an abandoned town being overtaken by the swamp. As they make their way through the find an abandoned home that appeasr to have a sheep pen in the back. The players use their ability to speak with animals and are able to determine the source of evil in the area centers around the small treehouse like cabin at the center of the village.   As the party approaches the house they see an eerie sight of crows penned up in cages just outside the cabin. They set some of them free and enter the cabin. The notice a glowing light inside the cabin beneath the floor and deside to cut it out. As soon as the party strike the floor the cabin comes to life and starts to attack them. Immediately afterwards, Baba Lasaga joins the frey and party finds itrself in an intense battle for its life. The party is evenautlly able to defeat Baba Lasaga and the living hut. The party finds a hoard of treasure inside the cabin, and the ominous glow continues to beckon to them from under the cabin floor.