Session 28: The Return to Ravenloft

General Summary

The party, having defeated Baba Lasaga, cuts the blue gem out of the bottom of her living hut, are able to make their way over to the old water Fein and restore it using the gem. The water Fey, having been rescued from the curse that turned her into Baba Lasaga, grants them the protection of the water, strengthening the Fey Staff and healing the party. She implores the group to seek out and restore the Mountain Fey, and that is exactly what they do. The party heads off towards the Amber Temple, but to get there, they must go through the treacherous Tsolenka Pass. Upon arriving the party finds a huge gate with two large gargoyle looking creatures atop it. The portcullis is closed and an eerie green wall block their way. The party approaches the gate and firebolts one of the statues which causes it to animate and attack them. The party is able to fight them off with little difficulty. As they approach the gate the portcullis magically opens. Cormack casts dispel magic on the wall and the party is able to walk through, but not before noticing the statues reforming on the top of the gate. Upon reaching the other side, they see a shimmering portal open and Mordenkainen steps through. He clearly has recovered several of his missing items but he tells the party that one of his most treasured possessions is down in the crypts of Ravenloft. He tells the party he has discovered a way into the crypt using one of Strahd's own teleportation devices. The party enters the small tower at the entrance of Tsolenka pass and there the find a portal which is magically activated by Mordenkainen. As they enter they find themselves in a room with hiuge brazier with fire coming it and surrounded by stones. This room appears to be some type of room which allows people to teleport around Barovia.  
  The party, having received a full map of the crypt of Ravenloft, moves quickly towards the crypt room but on their way they trigger a trap which sends them tumbling down into a cell. They are quickly able to make their way out of the cell, get about 500 gold worth of coin, and free a werewolf who was being held prisoner. As they make their way out they find what looks to be a torture chamber where they are attacked by 6 ghouls. The party makes short work of them and are able to make their way back to the brazier room and this back to the crypt. Upon entering the crypt the notice the ceiling is covered with bats. The party quickly sets off to find the crypt where Mordenkainens staff is hidden.