Session 31: Tsolinka Pass

General Summary

The party recoups in Mordenkainens Mansion and when they leave, they find themselves to the far north of Barovia where they originally found Mordenkainen. Having finished a Heroes Feast they quckly make their way back to Argynvostholt to restore the Beacon of Argynvost. As they arrive, they find Vladimir Hornguard and the other revenants are much more receptive and are quite suprised to see the party has returned with skull of Argynvost. Vladimir bids thanks the party and bids they return the skull to the mauseleum. He offers the Sun Sword as a permenant gift for the party's fullfilment of their agreement.   The party quickly restores the beacon, which shines throughout the land, creating a great boon for all who oppose Strahd. As they return to the keep they find all of the revenants are dead, their spirits finally at rest.   The party then decides to make their way to the Amber temple. They retrace their steps to Tsolenka Pass and are able to quickly make their way through the first gate. They then search the guard tower where they previously teleported into the Crypt of Ravenoft. They find several dead skeletons and two pieces of parchment. One parchemnt has the world "Shalx" and the other has the word "Thangob". The party then sets out to the temple.   As the party starts to cross the Tsolenka pass bridge they see a form on the bridge that appears like a statue of Strahd on a horse with his head knocked off. The party moves past and when they touch the head the entire statue disloves and floats off into the storm of snow and sleet. Immediately after the party is attacked by a massive roc. It targets Perin and lifts him high up in the air. He is quickly polyumorphed by COrmack into a flying snake. The roc then attacks him and he starts to fall over 600 feet to his death. A well timed wish spell however teleports him safely into one of the towers with the rest of the party.   The roc then returns to its nest and the party sets off for the Amber Temple. As they apprach they find an alternative entrance and upon investigating it they hear voices. A group of adventurers have holed up in one of the rooms that is expsed through a fissure in the side of the mountain. THe party befirends them and start to adventue into the dungeon, however when they open the first door they are attacked by three floating skulls that shoot fireballs at the party. The adventurers they met took the opportunity to attack the party and a nast battle ensues. The party is able to defeat the flameskulls and the tretouropus adventurers but not before Rickard is cut down.   The party then decides to head back to find a way to raise Ricard. They go to Madam Eva, who grants them a small favor and reveals to them that she is fact the mountain Fey.