Session 36: The Return to Ravenloft Report

General Summary

The party heads out from Yester Hill, having restored all of the Fanes. They make a pitstop into Vallaki to pick up a few provisions but ultimately waste no time in making their way to Castle Ravenloft to defeat Strahd and destroy the Heart of Sorrows.   As the party make their way around to the town of Barovia, they see up high on the bluff overlooking the road, Strahd Von Zarovich upong his great magical stead Beucephalus, watching the party. They quickly make their way back to the village of Barovia and it takes no time at all for them to find the hidden passage that leads them from the bottom of the cliff up to the crypts of Ravenloft.   Having a map, the party quickly decides to make their way up to the upper levels of Ravenloft, however, as soon as they enter the crypt they are encountered by Strahd who is not shy about letting the party know that he is aware of their presence. After a short encounter Strahd fleesand the party is able to make their way quickly up out of the crypts. The party quickly makes its way to a spiral staircase that leads up for sevreal hundred feet. The party bypasses all of the landings and they head straight to the top. There they encounter a small mechanical creature that is hiding in the rafters. As the party appraches and tries to communicate, the mechanical construct leaps out and attacks. The party however is able to quckly move on and they make their way back down the spiral staircase to the landing on the main floor.   Upon stepping out they realize they are back in the chapel where they originally found the Icon of Ravenloft. Here they are once again encountered by Strahd, but this time, his three wives have joined him. As the battle ensues Strahd, confident that everything is going according to hs design, taunts the party and sits down to have a glass of wine as he enjoys the entertainment of the fight. The party is able to defeat the brides in a fierce battle. As they begin to go down Strahds Nightmare Beacephelus appears and Strahd mounts him and then simply appears to fade out of existence. Once again, he gets away.   The party makes its way back to the main entrance of the castle and quickly decide to make thier way up the grand staircase. As they go up, they find themselves in a throne room. Strahd, seemingly toying with the party, sits on his throne with his back to the party. As they enter, Rahadin, Strahds right hand man, enters the room as well. WIthout missing a beat the party springs into action. This time, however, Strahd realizes that this party, having already defeated his brides, may command a bit more of his attention. The party, having discovered Strahds hit and run tactics, decides to go straight for Strahd. The final battle for the fate of Barovia has begun...