Session 38: The Return to Faerun Report

General Summary

The party, having stuck down SA
The party, having struck down Strahd, explore the remenants of the battle. Upon opening the tomb of the Queen of Barovia, they find the Heart of Sorrows. The ground shakes and the party can hear the thunder of the upper levels of the castle explode as the Heart in the tower explodes.   The party immediately goes to Strahds tomb where they plan to finish him off for good. As they approach, his consorts spring to life and sacrifice themselves in an effort to destroy the party and save their beloved master. After dispatching all three, the party opens Strahds tomb and Olaf strike the killing blow, removing Strahds head from the rest of his body.   As Strahd dies, the castle begins to crumble around the party. They necklace that was on Strahd shimmers and out pops Mordenkanen, who had been trapped inside. The party also quickly grabs the Jewl of the Three prayers and they are teleported out of the castle by Mordenkanen to the village of Barovia where they witness Ravenloft crumble to the ground.   There, a powerful consortium of angelic creatures, led by Fellowhan, appear and deliver a message to the party. They are thanked for their heroic deeds and Olaf is granted the Divine blessing of Tyr for striking the killing blow to Strahd. In addition to this, Rickard is given a powerful artifact for his divine service, the Bulwark of Vengance. Upon seeing the item, Mordenkanen immediately recognizes it and know that it is one of the legendary Vestigas of Power.   Knowing that this would not have been gifted to Rickard without the blessing of Ne Plus Ultra, and thus Elminster, he asks the party to seek out Elminster and learn the true meaning and power behind the great shield.   The party, having recieved the invite to meet with Elminster, decides to go back to the Amber Temple and return the items they borrowed from Kazan. They then embark on a fairwell tour of Barovia, being greated as heroes at every turn. Once they finish, they pass through the gates one last time and out into the woods with which they arrived with Mordenkanen telling them he will make sure they arrive in Shadowdale.   As they make their way through the forrest they are supprised to find themselves outside of Silverymoon. However, Silverymoon when they left was being sacked by Lolth and her horde of minnions. The party catiously approaches and they quickly discover that time really does flow strangely in Barovia. They left for Barovia in 1480, the Year of the Blazing Hand, and have returned in 1479, the year of the Lost Keep.   As they walk around Silverymoon, the see a procession coming accross the Moonbridge. As the crowd parts before them they are approached by the woman leading the procession and she introduces herself as Alustrial Silverhand. You know her as a powerful mage who was ruled Silverymoon. She tells you she has been waiting for you and that she will bring you to Elminster. She summons a massive flaming charriot and bids the party hop aboard. She then flys you over to Shadowdale where you are introduced to Elminster.   Elminster greets the party and tells them the history of the vestiges of power. He explains that Ne Plus Ultra has gaurded and, to the best of its ability, kept secret the Vestiges of power; often times by simply leaving them deep in the dungeons with which they lie protected by the denizens who surround them. He tells you that Ne Plus Ultra is a small but powerful team who protect Fareun from those who would destroy it. That means they sometimes have to get their hands dirty and make tough decisions, but he knows you will have no problem doing that.   The party, having shown intrest in joining NPU are told that in order to do so they must each posses a vestige of power, much like the one Rickard carries.   He then begins a small chant and seems to almost go into a translike state. Coming out of it he points at Cormack. The Grimoire Infinitus, you will track it down in the belly of Undermountain. The entrance to which you can find in the Yawning portal in Waterdeep. He bids you leave on your journey for there are several to find. Once you have them, you will recieve your first mission as members of Ne Plus Ultra.