Session 44: Hamut, the Dawn Slayer Report

General Summary

The party, having all of their vestiges in hand, return to Elminster ready to discover who is behind the plans to summon Lolth to the Prime Material Plane and wreak havok on Faerun.   After conferring with Elminster the party decides to start its search for answers by going to the Mooshie's Grove. They know that some sort of ritual has been or is being performed there in the caves at the grove. Upon arriving they notice a sense of pure death and lack of any sort of life surrounding the grove. The grove however appears to be untouched by time.   As they enter the grove the see the remnants of a recently performed ritual as well as a number of runes and symbols drawn on the walls in blood. As the party searches the main chamber they hear the sound of someone tied up in the back of the cave. They quickly find a young man chained to the wall in the back of the caves. They are able to determine that he was to be sacrificed in an upcoming ritual there in the cave. They quickly decide to take him to Citadel Felbar, which is less than a half days travel from the grove. There they will ask the dwarves if they have any knowledge of the evil being that has been inhabiting the cave.   Upon arriving the dwarves reluctantly let the party enter along with their newfound companion. Upon entering Citadel Felwar they taken to Belwar, a gruffy dwarf who overseas the security in the region for the dwarves. As they begin to speak with Belwar they soon find that the dwarves are aware of someone in the caves but they do not know much about them. They are able to determine that one of the symbols in the cave is that of Lolth and the other is that of Hamut. As they begin to discuss Hamut and how he is, the young man who came with the party became increasingly agitated and began to ask the party what their intentions are and what they plan to do. It sooms become apparent that the boy is not who he says and he starts to attack the party and the dwarves. Surrounded by the party and dwarves he quickly summons a host of demons and begins attacking, starting with Belwar. After Belwar is struck down, he vanishes off and in his place is a massive Balor. The Balor engages the party but after a few seconds disappears, but not before being Mind Blanked   The party, having realized the power of Hamut, return to Elminster to tell them what they have discovered. Elminster tells them that Hamut is a powerful being that has been known to worship and serve Lolth. He is a master of disguise and has often been known to be in great favor with the Spider Queen. The party hatches a plan to turn to Hamut and fein interest in following him. From within his ranks, the party will work, to sabatoge Hamut's plans to invade Silverymoon with the help of Lolth.   The party travels back to Mooshie's grove where they sacrifice a beautiful woman who was sentenced to die in the town of Waterdeep. They sacrifice her and in the name of Lolth and Hamut. After a time, Hamut appears, ammused that the party has come back to him. The party swears their allegance to Hamut. Being skeptical of their quick turn of allegance, he send them on a mission to kill Belwar, who was raised by the party after he was slain by Hamut. The party accepts the mission and sets off for Citadel Feldwar.   Upon arriving at the Citadel they are easily able to get an audiance with Belwar. Once alone, River shoots him in the head with his bow and proceeds to severe his head. The party then quickly leaves the Citadel, acting as though nothing has happened, they are able to simply walk out the front door. They immediately return to the grove and present the head to Hamut. Hamut, suprised to see them back so quickly, then tells them to deliver a message to King Obould Manyarrows. They party travels north to the Kingdom of the Orcs and deliver the message that Obould is to have his army ready to march in two ten-days. Obould, curious abouy the messengers, agrees his army will be ready. Upon delivering this message they return once again to Hamut, and having proved themselves twice, he decides to see how far they are willing to go.   He tells them to find Drizzt D'urden and bring him back to the grove. The party agrees and sets out for the Ten Towns. They have just 31 days until the battle of Silverymoon.