Session 45: A Plan is Finally Made!

General Summary

The party makes their way to the frigid region known as the Ten Towns and on to the capital Brenshander. Upon arriving they are taken to the Toen Councilman where he informs that the Drizzt is in fact in the area and he is taking care of a few Giants who have been raiding the region from the North. He directs the band to head towards Kelvins Cairn and then head north. The party, wasting little time, make their way to the North East to track down Drizzt. As they approach the frozen tundra to the north they see tracks everywhere leading to the mountains. In addition to giant tracks, they also see humanoid tracks and, not knowing the insane ability Drizzt has to go anywhere almost completely undetected, they think the tracks could be his.   As they make their way up the moutains they get the sense that someone or something is following them. They sleep in a tiny hut and decide not to ambush or approach the person following them. The eventually come accross a group of giants and decide to try to pass undetected around them. As the party casts pass without trace the giants jump up and head to their position. They see the person whose tracks they saw were actually a human spy for the giants and the party has just avoided a trap that had been laid out for them.   They party eventually decides to take this problem on head on and quickly carve through the three frost giants, hardly breaking a sweat. Shortly after doing so, Drizzt, who has been watching the events unfold, approaches the party and introduces himself. It turns out Drizzt was expecting the party to come to the Ten Towns at some point but was supprised to see them this far north in the mountains.   After hours of deliberation, a plan is eventually hatched to have Drizzt head to Mitheral Hall, just to the west of Menzoberanzon and await their arrival. The party is going to see King Obould again, who has a long and complicated history with Drizzt, to tell him to bring his army just outside of Menzoberranzon to meet with the other armies that plan to invade Silverymoon. Once they have informed him, the party moves quickly to meet Drizzt at the entrance to Mitheral Hall. There they will take the passages through the Underdark to make their way into Menzoberannzon where they plan to sacrifice a Matron Mother or Priestess of Lolth one of the other gods, all in Hamuts name.    On the way to the Kingdom of Many Arrows however, the party is tracked down by the dwarves from Citadel Felbar. They are able to nibly escape without killing the dwarves but they are well aware now that the dwarves are on their trail. This will surely be a sour subject once they enter Mitheral Hall and speak with Brunor Battlehammer, the king of clan Battlehammer.   The party has just 20 days before the anticipated attack on Silverymoon.