Session 48: Fraz'Urb-luu

General Summary

As the party gathers from the battle with the Quenthal Baenry, they receive a surprise visit from a yochlol, one of the handmaidens of Lolth. The yochlol chides Matron Mother Baenry for allowing you to wreak havoc on the drow city of Menzoberranzon. He does however come with news that Lolth is not currently backing Hamut in his quest to takeover and destroy Silverymoon. He tells them that Hamut has instead turned to several daemon lords of the Abyss to assist him. Though they are not nearly as powerful as Lolth they are indeed formidable in their own ways. The yochlol tells you that Graz'zt, Fraz'Urb-luu and Kostchetche are all planning to join Hamut in his assault. He notes that in this instance your lives are being spared and asks if you are willing to hhunt down and kill Hamut and his demon lords in the name of Lolth. The party stops short of saying they will work in "the name of Lolth" but they do acknowledge that their incentives are aligned. They agree to help and are allowed to leave. Matron Mother Baenre tells them that she will not forget this encounter and that their reprieve from death is a short one. After being taunted by the proud Rickard von Ostrek, she carves his name into her arm and tells him that she will remember him and will pay him a visit when the time is right.
  The party is then teleported back to the entrance of MItheral Hall where they hatch a plan to speak with Obould Manyarrows and convince him not to attack Silverymoon, thus removing about 1/3rd of Hamuts forces. After speaking with him they are indeed able to convince him not to attack Silverymoon, however, they find that he was not really all that knowledgeable about Lolth being a part of the plans. As far as he knew it was all Hamut.
  The party then travels to meet a powerful cleric named Caderly Bonaduce. Caderly tells them it is very dangerous to summon a demon without proper wards in place but agrees to do so under the condition that the players be sealed in the summoning chamber with the demon until it is destroyed. The players agree and after preparing, they are able to summon Fraz'Urb-luu. With him came a few other daemons, but nothing the party could not handle. They party are able to banish back to the Abyss for 100 years, thus making it impossible for him to assist on the attack of Silverymoon.