Session 8: Back from the Dead!

General Summary

The party, after finding out Perrin has graciously sacrificed himself to save the starving Doru, decide to set out to on a mission to resurrect their friend. As an act of precaution, they bound the legs and feet of Perrins corps together and nail him shut into a coffin.   Upon leaving the church they oversee the old woman Morgantha selling her pies door to door. As she makes a stop at one home she appears to take a child, stuff it into a bad, and carry on selling pies as if nothing was wrong. The party quickly intervenes and makes her release the child. The woman does so reluctantly, but she does not put up a fight. Upon returning the child the mother expresses concerns that Morgantha will just come back. The party ultimately funds out that Morgantha has sisters and they live in a windmill to the west of the Village of Barovia. They have been selling pies in town for as long as anyone can remember. The party finds it odd that her practice of taking kids as payment for debts has just been accepted as a part of life in Baroiva.   They then venture back to the home if Ismark and Ireena to rest for the night. They are awakened by a mysterious sound coming from Perrin's coffin. After quite some time, they eventually release Perrin after they determine he is in fact himself. Perrin tells them of a strange encounter he had with a person whom he believed to be Strahd von Zarovich. Strahd revives Perrin but asks him to assist him in cleansing the land from the evil cult that is trying to destroy it. They are known as the Cult of the Silver Dragon and they reside in Arghanvostholt. They are said to be undead revenants who are hell bent on ruling the land.  
  The party, deciding to gather more information and to collect more silver, heads to the Blood of the Vine tavern to speak with the Vistani owners. There they are able to retrieve the much needed silver and also learn that should they seek guidance on where to go, they should seek out Madam Eva. She is a leader of the Vistani and she posses the powerful gift of foresight. The Vistani trading post is located at the Tser pool not far to the south west of the town.     After silvering some of their weapons the party sets out for the Vistani camp to the south in search of Madam Eva. As they travel closer and closer they hear and sense the impending attack from a pack of wolves. As they reach the final stretch the Vistani camp they are attacked by Ingrid and her band of wolves. The party is able to fend them off however Ingrid is able to escape.  
  The party makes its way to the camp where they are quickly welcomed in by the Vistani. As they chat by the fire, they are told the story of a powerful wizard who came to Barovia just over a year ago. The wizard attempted to overthrow and destroy Strahd but he was ultimately unsuccessful and was believed to be killed in the fight, thought his body was never found. They are also told of the Feins of Barovia, an old tale of a time long past, of three celestial beings that cared for and nurtured the land. Hearing of this the players make there way to Madam Eva's tent to learn more about their fate.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Resurrect Perrin - Completed
Find Madam Eva
Escort Ireena to Safety