Session 9: Fortunes Told!

General Summary

The party, having rested at the Vistani Camp at the Tser Pool decides to talk to Madam Eva. Madam Eva reveals to them several important pieces of information. The first is the history and lore behind the Fanes of Barovia and the three mystical Feys that guarded them. The Forest Fey, the Water Fey and the Mountain Fey. She tells the party that they will need to track down and recover the book "Fanes of Barovia" if they wish to gather a deeper understanding of the legend. She tells them they will need to restore the fanes if they wish to truly defeat the mists and restore Barovia to it's former glory.   She explains to them that the mists are a powerful force that entrap the land. No person, dead or alive, can escape the mists without the consent of the mists themselves or with the blessing of Strahd. She explains that even in death, ones soul is trapped in Barovia, to wander the plane for all time. Often times people are believe to be reincarnated in this land. Strahd believes that his former love, Tatyana, has been reincarnated into the woman you travel with known as Ireena.   In addition to this she tells them that in order to achieve their ultimate goals in this land she will assist them by consulting with the Terrot cards with which she is able to often times able to divine ones future. Madam Eva sits down with the party and proceeds to read 5 cards from her deck:    

This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy.

Look to a place where sickness and madness are bred. Where children once cried, the treasure lies still.
— Madam Eva

This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.

A man is not what he seems. He comes here in a carnival wagon. Therein lies what you seek.
— Madam Eva

This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.

The treasure lies in a dragon's house, in hands once clean and now corrupted.
— Madam Eva

This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.

A Vistana wanders this land alone, searching for her mentor. She does not stay in one place for long. Seek her out at Saint Markovia's abbey, near the mists.
— Madam Eva

Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!

Look to the mother's tomb.
— Madam Eva
Once the fortunes are read the party learns that the book they seek lies in the hands of an undead woman who stole the book from the Vistani recently. The players quickly determine that Madam Eva is speaking of Ingrid, an undead creature who has been attacking them ever since their meeting with Ireena Kolyana.     The party decides to wait on a caravan of Vistani before making their way to Vallaki. In the mean time Cormak is able to send out his familiar and quickly determine the location of Ingrid. The party sets out to a clearing about a mile south of the old Svalich Road. When they come upon a clearing they find Ingrid and she quickly begins to flee. The party is eventually able to run her down and subdue her. Throughout the ordeal she spits curses at her attackers and accuses them as being agents of Strahd. The party is able to derive that Ingrid's agressio towards them has been brought about by her belief that are working for Strahd von Zarovich.   In the midst of the battle they are able to claim the book titled Fanes of Barovia . She claims to have taken the book in an attempt to fight against Lord Strahd and the mists which he seems to have some sort of control over. She also mentions that she believes Ireena Kolyana and Ismark Kolyanovich are in league with Strahd due to the well known fact that Strahd has visited Ireena several times in the town of Barovia.   The party is able to convince Ingrid that Ireena is in fact a victim of Strahd and she is not a threat. Ingrid offers to escort the party to Vallaki where she will then go her own way. The party sets off back to the Vistani Camp.

Rewards Granted

The Book: Fanes of Barovia 

Missions/Quests Completed

Restore the Feys of Barovia
Track Down the Fanes of Barovia  - COMPLETED
Fortunes of Ravenloft - 5 readings were performed for the party. They must interpret and seek out their meaning.
Escort Ireena to Kresk

Character(s) interacted with