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Bow of the Infernal Hunter

Frostwell is not my pet, nor is she simply my companion. She is a part of me, body and soul. When she do I.
— Enala One-Arrow


A longbow of dark wood with a hand grip of wrapped leaves, tipped with two silver wolves that appear to be biting the string to keep it in place. The leaves have dark red veins, almost like blood, and the wolves' eyes glow a malevolent red.


Weapon (Longbow), Legendary, Requires Attunement by a ranger with an animal companion

The weapon is a +2 Longbow. You may use the Infernal Hunter feature once per short rest:

Infernal Hunter: As a bonus action, you can draw on their absorbed life force to empower their beast's attacks. For one minute, your animal companion's attacks deal a bonus 2d6 necrotic damage. If the attack deals damage to a creature who is not a construct or undead, they rend some of the creature's life force, healing for an amount equal to half the necrotic damage dealt. This healing can be divided between you and the beast. During this time, your beast has a fly speed equal to its walking speed and their attacks are considered magical for the purposes of damage resistance.

While this feature is active, before making an attack you may choose to teleport your beast to your intended target. The beast dissolves into red smoke and lands in the closest open square next to your target, whether or not the attack hits. If the beast is entitled to attack whenever you attack (i.e. Beastmaster's Coordinated Attack feature), these attacks take place after the teleportation.


Weapon (Longbow)
Requires Attunement


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