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Divining Wand

Knowledge is power; hide it well.
— Unknown


This wand consists of forked wood with a magic crystal attached to the fork.


Wondrous Item (Wand), Very Rare, Requires Attunement

While attuned, the wielder gains a +2 to spell save DCs and the following abilities:

Find the Lost (1 charge): Can use the wand to search as an action as if you took 20. Regains 1d6 charges each dawn.

Point the Way: Can point to any spot one your current plane of existence that you have visited.

Predictive Casting: Once per long rest, the wielder can cast any spell scribed in their spellbook, regardless of whether the spell had been prepared. This consumes slots and material components as normal. The wand must have been on the caster's person when they prepared spells that day for this ability to function.


Wondrous Item (Wand)
Requires Attunement
Very Rare


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