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DOTMM Current Side Quests

Party Quests

Eye of the Spider

Quest Giver

Joroth Brighthelm, a dwarf spy for the Lords’ Alliance, at the Yawning Portal


News of Kressando Rosznar’s death has leaked to the publishers of several local broadsheets, along with the names of the adventurers who retrieved his signet ring from Undermountain. The news inspired Joroth Brighthelm, a dwarf spy for the Lords’ Alliance, to visit the Yawning Portal.

Joroth approached the characters in plain clothes and asked them to keep their eyes open for Falkir’s Fist, a band of four dwarf adventurers that disappeared in Undermountain over a year ago. The leader of the band, Falkir Gravelfist, is believed to have stolen a famous emerald called the Eye of the Spider from the Mirabarran embassy in Waterdeep weeks prior to his disappearance. Joroth believes Falkir is dead (divination spells have confirmed as much) but would like to see the gemstone returned to its proper owners to strengthen political ties between Waterdeep and Mirabar.

Joroth describes Falkir as a particularly stout dwarf wearing a helm shaped like a boar’s head. He says the gemstone is a spherical emerald roughly three inches in diameter, with a small imperfection in its core shaped vaguely like a spider. The gemstone has no magical properties as far as he knows.


Joroth offers the friendship of the Lords’ Alliance as a reward (as well as a sizeable bag of gold), which can be useful if one or more of the characters find themselves in need of assistance in Waterdeep or another alliance city.


Uncover the Telepathic Spy

Quest Giver

Durnan of the Yawning Portal


An ulitharid has been using telepathy to contact random people in the city and learn all it can about Waterdeep. Those the creature has contacted know nothing of the ulitharid’s true nature, only that an alien intellect has reached out to them for information. Word of these telepathic intrusions has begun to spread throughout the city, gaining traction as more than just a mad rumor. Several of Durnan’s regular patrons have spoken at length about it, and Durnan believes the source might be somewhere in Undermountain. In fact, he thinks a horrific, psionic monster called an elder brain might be lurking in the dungeon.

Durnan urged the adventurers to find the source of the telepathic contact, learn its intentions, and put a quick and decisive end to it if those intentions are hostile.


If the party deals with the threat, Durnan promises to owe them a favor.


The Jade Serpent

Quest Giver



Pieces of a jade staff have been found in Undermountain. So far, two have been found which, when put together, magically join. There is at least one more to be found.




Individual Quests


Recover the Dammaz Kron

Quest Giver

King Melair, witnessed by Moradin himself


Our clan is no more, distant kin, but our memory must not be allowed to fade. Deep in Melairbode is the Dammaz Kron, the recorded history of our people. I charge you to take up my arms, distant kin, and return this to Mithral Hall, so that our great deeds will not go unsung.
— King Melair
Go forth and be my Hammer, Khelmon, son of Khormin, and reclaim that which was lost. Let our enemies feel the cold fury that is dwarven justice.
— Moradin

The ancient book of grudges & history of the Melair clan is known to be held by a vampire deep in Undermountain.


Completed Quests

Recover Azrok's Dagger

Quest Giver

Lurkana, wife of Azrok


Unbeknownst to his followers, the mighty hobgoblin warlord Azrok is blind. He requires a special dagger that allows him to perceive his surroundings. Without it, he will surely lose power and the Legion would crumble.


The dagger was recovered from the Duergar on Level 6, and returned to Azrok. The warlord honored the party by making them honorary members of the Legion and pledging his warrior's aid in the future. This oath was fulfilled at the liberation of Skullport. Additionally, he has negotiated an arrangement with Elend of the goblin market on Level 1 for mutual aid and benefit.

Search for Kressando Rosznar

Quest Giver

A young noblewoman, Esvele Rosznar


Rosznar's family has a tarnished reputation, having once been banished from Waterdeep for slavery and other illegal acts. Although the Rosznar family is trying to regain its integrity and standing, several bad apples threaten to impede that progress with their sinister ventures. Esvele’s brother, Kressando, was sent to Skullport to conduct secret meetings with the Xanathar Guild and gauge interest in setting up a slave trade in Skullport, far from the eyes of Waterdavian authorities. Esvele didn’t learn of this meeting until after Kressando vanished, and she is determined to stop his scheming and see him returned to Waterdeep before he can further tarnish the Rosznar name.

Esvele takes one or more of the adventurers aside as they prepare to make their initial descent into Undermountain and asks them to keep an eye out for Kressando, a 22-year-old man with fair skin and dark curly hair, trained in the arts of stealth and thievery. She also tells them that Kressando wears a platinum signet ring bearing the Rosznar family crest (a diving white falcon on a field of blue) and an inscription of the family motto (“Fly high and stoop swift”).


The party was rewarded with a generous pouch of gold, and is owed a favor by House Rosznar.

Throne of the Coronal

Quest Giver

Volothamp Geddarm, famous explorer and raconteur


A story told by Volo at Yawning Portal:

This story dates to the fall of Illefarn, an elven kingdom of the North. An alabaster throne belonging to Syglaeth Audark, the last coronal of Illefarn, disappeared from the capital city of Aelinthaldaar, where the Mad Mage built his tower and today stands Waterdeep. It’s said that a group of dwarves feared the destruction of such a miraculous work of stonecraft and stole the throne right out from under the elves’ slender noses. Where the dwarves hid it for so long, who knows? But should you find it in Undermountain, it would please the elves of the North to know it survives.


The party found the throne and informed Volo of its location. He in turn shared it with his elven allies, who rewarded the party with a magic longbow.

Liberate Skullport

Quest Giver

Ulvira and Felrax, Harper agents in Skullport


Skullport has been taken over by the Xanathar's Guild. Their brutal reign has led to even worse poverty and violence than normal, and the city teeters on the brink of death. The Harpers wish to return the Skulls to power. Though the Skulls weren't exactly the greatest overlords and their enforcement of laws was arbitrary, they did keep the peace & the town was better off with them around.


The party helped build an insurgency in Skullport to loosen the grip of the Xanathar's Guild, culminating in an assault on Skull Island. The party was able to use the assault as a distraction and make it under the Tower of Seven Woes to a secret grotto, the last shard of the Netherese empire. There they enacted a ritual that brought the Skulls back to lucidity. The Skulls then set about destroying the Guild in Skullport. The city has returned to its former underworld glory, though it is marginally better off than before. Soup kitchens exist to feed the poorest Skulkers, and the slavery of children is no longer tolerated.


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