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Gavhal "Gavel" Stoneyes

You have been found guilty of kidnapping, theft, murder, and trespassing, the punishment is death.
— Gavel, Hand of Tyr, to a group of soon to be deceased bandits


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In the mountains not far from Waterdeep, a Goliath clan called Agu-Vakane resided. The two wealthiest families were always in competition; one ruled by Riverwatcher, the other by Masterbreaker. Masterbreaker's family was large, and the youngest was Bravewonder. She resented her father, who ignored her, believing she was too young and weak to help in the competition.

One day she tired of the neglect. She decided that the fault lay with Riverwatcher; if he were gone, everything would be better. Maybe with Riverwatcher gone, her father would finally realize she was pregnant.

She attempted to kill Riverwatcher, but she failed. She was cast out of the clan, with nothing but her hammer and the clothes on her back. She wandered, alone, without enough food or water, pursued by Riverwatcher's cronies. She eventually gave birth to a baby boy, and when she saw him she knew she could not continue running. So she made her way to a remote temple of Tyr, god of justice. She left her son with the monks. She gave him two gifts: A hammer and the promise that she would ensure that those who chased her would not pursue her son.

The monks took the child in. Though his mother had named him Gavhal Stoneyes, the monks soon took to calling the boy Gavel. He was raised in the worship of Tyr and took to the teachiings with zeal. He followed every rule without question or exception, exacting precise punishments on all who transgressed the law. For this he earned the moniker "Justicebringer".

When he heard of the Battleborn and their struggle against Tharizdun, he knew it was his destiny to fight the forces of chaos and secure justice for those that had been wronged. He left, not knowing if he would ever see his temple again.

Physical Appearance

Gavel was a mountain of a man, a towering 7'6", 300 lb behemoth of pure muscle and righteous fury. He was naturally bald, body covered in red markings. On his back was a large tattoo of the symbol of Tyr, and his ice blue eyes stared grimly without pity or remorse at those he condemned.


Gavel earned the Hand of Tyr for his devotion to Justice. He acquired a set of beautiful mithral half-plate in the Monster Factory.


Gavel was a man fueled by righteous zeal and terrible fury at those who transgressed the law. Every law was sacred, for it was only through following the law that peace and prosperity could be secured. He was an utter fanatic, and viewed no transgression as too small to be met with the penalty prescribed by Tyr's law.

Goals & Motivations

Gavel's goals and motivations were simple: Justice, for everyone, at all costs. In the world of the Severing, Gavel found the one guiding principle of his life shook to the core. In his implacable manner, he determined that those who had broken this most sacred of laws, the very presence of the gods, would be brought to justice.


Gavel joined with the party that would become known as the Hands of Fate prior to the Severing.


Lawful Neutral
300 lbs

Other Information

Justicebringer, Hand of Tyr
Hands of Fate
Character Prototype
Zealot Barbarian


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