Nicodemus the Shadowblade...Huh, I thought they said you were a man. No matter. I look forward to facing you on the battlefield!
Herculon was an Empyrean, son of Tempus, the god of war. The deva Zachriel was his unwilling squire.
Herculon was a loud, boisterous warrior who would frequently laugh while swinging his mighty hammer in combat. He was always eager for battle, seeking out the strongest and most capable foes to prove his mettle.
Herculon entered the tournament at the City of Brass, ultimately being defeated by the Battleborn. The adventurer's prowess impressed the Empyrean, and he responded to their call to arms in the Battle for the Sphere of Eternity. Herculon appealed to the angels of Mount Celestia, convincing the solar Mizrael to bring an angelic legion to fight. He did this without informing the angel that he would be fighting side by side with the devils of Zariel.
As the battle drew to a close, Herculon and his squire challenged the Champion, Grishnak. They were both slain quickly.