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Horrigan Helmfast

The death of the peasants is regrettable...But I fear you've significantly damaged our reputation in the region. That will make expansion...difficult.
— Duke Horrigan
Duke Horrigan Helmfast was a Waterdhavian noble of some renown.

Physical Appearance

Horrigan was a large and well muscled man with a bristling black beard and red cheeks that was usually split by a welcoming smile.


In public, Horrigan Helmfast was a gregarious host, a boisterous man who loved feasts and entertaining company, a facade which was true if incomplete. Horrigan was a fair and even generous lord to his subjects who genuinely cared for their wellbeing. The reveler facade hid a keen political mind and his deep ambitions.

Goals & Motivations

Horrigan wished to rise in the ranks of power in Waterdeep. He hoped to one day join the ranks of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep, and was willing to take risks to get there.


A charging golden boar on a field of green.


Horrigan inherited control of House Helmfast upon the natural death of his father while he was still an adolescent. The Helmfast house was well respected but not particularly powerful. Under his rule he established political connections, negotiated lucrative business deals, and managed several bold maneuvers, all while maintaining his reputation as a friendly reveler.

By the time the Lords of Sharpstone Keep were assembled, Duke Horrigan was already a powerful man in Waterdeep. The trouble with expanding in Waterdeep, however, was that it was a zero sum game. Any gain made by him was a loss by someone else, and those people could be dangerous. Duke Horrigan cast his eyes to the nearby Dessarin valley, with its ruined keep currently in the hands of a powerful hobgoblin warlord. He claimed the land as his own, under the pretext of fears of a hobgoblin invasion, and issued a proclamation: Any adventuring party that could claim Sharpstone Keep would receive a grant of nobility as his vassals.

The call was answered by the Lords of Sharpstone Keep, and the lands of the Dessarin Valley were added to Duke Horrigan's domain.

Dwarven Guard

House Helmfast boasted a squad of ten dwarves, including their leader, Guthar. These dwarves served the Horrigan family in gratitude to Horrigan's great grandfather, Jorath. Jorath was an adventurer who aided in the defense of the Stoutshield mines against an orc invasion, circa 1386. Jorath personally saved Guthar and his squad of ten dwarves, who pledged their service to the man as his personal guard.

These dwarves are fiercely loyal to the Helmfast house and are Horrigan's most trusted soldiers. In addition to serving as his personal guard, they were often sent to supervise affairs where competence and loyalty were paramount.


Neutral Good
235 lbs
Roughly 1450


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