Lords' Alliance

The Lords' Alliance, also known as the Council of Lords, is a partnership of merchant cities founded in the early 14th century DR. Its members are from the Sword Coast, the North and Western Heartlands, including Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter, as well as other free cities and towns in the region, which make up the bulk of the organization. It was formed to oppose the growing influence of the Black Network in the North, the Shadow Thieves of Amn, rampaging hordes of orcs, and Northlander raiders.


Depending on who was asks, the Lords' Alliance is considered either a strong coalition, or unsteady pact of political powers. While the Alliance is said by some to be a collective of aggressive and self-serving figureheads, others insist they are among the most secure governing bodies in the west. The truth, as it usually is, lays somewhere between the two extremes. While the members often hold opposing views and hold interests that conflict with their peers, these rivalries are set aside when true danger emerges to threaten their collective safety and prosperity. The true strength of the alliance, it is said, manifests when its members band together on collaborative endeavors.   While some of these cities and city-states hold more influence than others, they align their goals for the greater good and prosperity of the whole alliance. Collectively they believe in the preservation of civilization for the better of their people.   The alliance's emblem is a golden crown set over a field of red.


Member States The following cities and towns were part of the Lords' Alliance: Amphail, Baldur's Gate, Berdusk, Daggerford, Elturel, Everlund (for a time), Goldenfields, (unofficially as of about 1370 DR), Gundarlun Island, (only island member of the alliance) Iriaebor, Leilon, Longsaddle, Mirabar, Mithral Hall, Neverwinter, Silver Marches, Silverymoon, Sundabar, Waterdeep, and Yartar.

Public Agenda

To maintain the peace within their cities.


The Lords' Alliance was formed in the Year of the Great Harvests, 1325 DR, when a collective of towns and cities across the Sword Coast North banded together to oppose overreach from the powerful merchant houses of Amn. Interest in joining the alliance was strongest in the North at first, but gradually spread south over the course of the following years.   Just over three decades later, in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, the Lords' Alliance of Waterdeep expels Luskan troops from Ruathym by using both military and diplomatic pressures. They were forced into outright military conflict just three years later, when Luskan finally conquered the island off the coast.   The Lords' Alliance committed their forces to combat the forces of evil during the Second Dragonspear War in the Year of the Wyvern, 1363 DR. Following the war, the Lords' Alliance redoubled their efforts to make safe the Trade Way, and ensure commerce along the coast went unimpeded.   When a number of Waterdhavian vessels were sunk during their voyages from the Sword Coast to Maztica, in the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the Lords' Alliance worked diligently to collect evidence against the suspected culprits: the nation of Amn.   After the Sharn Wall beneath Evereska was breached in Nightal of the Year of the Unstrung Harp, 1371 DR, the Last Home of the elves was rapidly overrun. An army of the Lords' Alliance led by Laeral Silverhand marched to the city in relief. Unfortunately, they did not arrive at Evereska for some months.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Council of Lords
Notable Members

Works in progress

Glebshmarq's Plans


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