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Reputation Rules

Rules as per Gamemastery Guide p.164



Each favor the PCs perform for a group normally grants the PCs Reputation Points with that group.
  • Minor favors are simple, basic tasks that don’t take too much effort for a PC to perform or much time at the table. Minor favors grant 1 Reputation Point.
  • Moderate favors require a significant amount of effort and often take up a session or a noticeable chunk of a single session to complete. Moderate favors grant 2 Reputation Points.
  • Major favors are a sizable endeavor, typically an entire quest involving several sessions. Major favors grant 5 Reputation Points.


  On the flip side, disservices are a catchall for ways the PCs might make a group angry, whether it’s through actual malice and planning on the PCs’ part or simply by accident. Unlike favors, disservices don’t have as easy a correspondence with in-game time; a quick but particularly egregious action could easily still be a major disservice. Disservices normally lose the PCs Reputation Points.  
  • Minor disservices could be small but significant missteps, or accumulated slights and inconveniences. Minor disservices take away 1 Reputation Point.
  • Moderate disservices are more than just a nuisance or annoyance, generally significantly hindering the group’s efforts or violating a fundamental tenet of the group’s beliefs in a significant but not egregious way. Moderate disservices take away 2 Reputation Points.
  • Major disservices are incredibly antagonistic to a group, usually a single brazen act, such as thwarting a cabal’s apocalyptic doomsday plan. Major disservices take away at least 5 Reputation Points, or more if they are particularly egregious. They might be so terrible that the PCs immediately lose all their Reputation Points and then lose 5 more Reputation Points.


  PCs generally start with a reputation of “ignored” with most groups, as most groups have never heard of them. If they are particularly famous or infamous among related groups, the PCs might start at a different reputation of your choice. The reputation is generalized to the whole group—an individual NPC can hold a different opinion.  
Reputation Reputation Points Raised By Lowered By
Revered 30 to 50 Major favor Moderate or major disservice
Admired 15 to 29 Major favor Any disservice
Liked 5 to 14 Moderate or major favor Any disservice
Ignored –4 to 4 Any favor Any disservice
Disliked –5 to –14 Any favor Moderate or major disservice
Hated–15 to –29Any favorMajor disservice
Hunted–30 to –50Moderate or major favorMajor disservice
  Reputation spreads up a Faction group hierarchy (by association) once the characters are past the halfway point of a reputation level. For example, if the group has a reputation of 23 (Admired) with a guild, the group would be "Liked" with all other Guilds. However, if they had a Reputation of 20 (Admired) with the same Guild, other guilds would still have a Reputation of "Ignored".  

Reputation Levels



  The group reveres the PCs as heroes and celebrities. Every member has heard of the PCs, is helpful toward them, and would take major risks to assist them. Only major favors accrue Reputation Points, and only moderate or major disservices can reduce them.  


  The PCs have earned this group’s admiration. The majority of the group knows about the PCs and have an extremely favorable opinion toward them. Many members of the group are helpful toward the PCs, and those who aren’t are friendly. Only major favors accrue Reputation Points.  


  The PCs have gained this group’s favor. Many members of the group know about the PCs, and those who do are usually friendly to them. At this reputation, only moderate and major favors accrue Reputation Points; it takes more to impress the group further.  


  The PCs either aren’t on this group’s radar or the group knows about the PCs but is generally ambivalent to them. This is the default for most PCs with most groups, and it carries no special benefits or detriments.  


  The PCs have a poor reputation among members of this group. Many members of the group know about the PCs, and are usually unfriendly to them. At this reputation, only moderate and major disservices reduce Reputation Points.  


  The PCs have earned this group’s ire. The vast majority of the group knows about the PCs and have an extremely unfavorable opinion toward them. Many members of the group are hostile toward the PCs, and those who aren’t are unfriendly. When presented an easy opportunity to hurt the PCs, the group will jump at the chance. Only major disservices can still reduce Reputation Points.  


  The group actively hunts the PCs as scapegoats or nemeses, even at significant cost to itself. Every member has heard of the PCs, is hostile toward them, and would take major risks to thwart or destroy them. Only major disservices can still reduce Reputation Points, and only moderate or major favors can increase them.  

Effects on Diplomacy and Intimidation

  If a character has a specified standing with a member of a faction, the character can choose to try and play the "Reputation Card" where he uses his fame/notoriety to assist in getting what he wants. He may make a Diplomacy, Intimidation or Society check with the bonus.   Revered: +5 Bonus   Admired: +2 Bonus   Liked: +1 Bonus   Ignored: no bonus   Disliked: -1 penalty   Hated: -2 penalty   Hunted: -5 penalty  

Faction Hierarchy for Reputation to be Affected by Association

  1. Alliance
    • City (Needs 2 subgroups to reach a level to move 'by association')
      • Neighbourhoods
      • Guilds
        • Specific Guild
      • Nobles
        • Specific Noble Family
      • Criminal groups
        • Specific criminal group
      • Watch
        • Specific neighbourhood Watch detachment
      • Guard
        • Specific Guard Detachment
      • City Leadership (bureaucracy, leaders, etc)
        • Lords/King/Ruler (Affects Alliance as if it were one level level higher in this chart
      • Merchants
        • Specific Neighbourhood merchants

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