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Ekene-Afa won numerous gladiatorial contests in Port Nyanzaru’s arena before she invested her winnings into financing her first trade deals. She is a legend among the common rabble who grew up watching her battles. Her husband, Kura, is a painter, and they have twin teenage sons named Soshen and Tiryk. Soshen is a city guard, and Tiryk is a popular dinosaur racer. Both were named after Chultan rivers.   Ekene-Afa sells weapons and shields of every kind, but most of her inventory consists of flint daggers, yklwas with wooden shafts and obsidian tips, and shields made of wooden frames with layers of reptile hide stretched over them.

Merchant Prince in charge of weapons, shields, traveling gear, rain catchers, saddles, wagons, and canoes.

Current Location
Merchant Prince's Villa, Port Nyanzaru
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