Lord Brixton Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Lord Brixton

Cormyrean Knight and leader of The Yellow Banner.   The Yellow Banner charted a boat to take them to Kitcher’s Inlet and from their they will enter the jungle is search of the fable Eye of Zaltec.   For centuries, this fist-sized ruby surmounted the Great Pyramid in Nexal, capital city of the Maztican Empire. The gem is a relic of the cult of Zaltec, and its dagger-like point was plunged into the hearts of countless sacrifices. They heard tales of it being plundered and can now be found in an ancient temple in the heart of the Chult jungle.   The Yellow Banner are in Chult in search of the fabled Eye of Zaltec. They were staying in Thundering Lizard and met the party the night before they headed off on their adventure. They hired the guide Rae, have a dinosaur as pack horses, plenty of supplies and headed of with much pomp and ceremony waving their yellow banner high in the air as they left. They charted a boat that would take them to Kitcher’s Inlet where they would enter the jungle.

Cormyrean Knight and Leader of the Yellow Banner adventuring party.

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Current Status
Searching for the fable Eye of Zaltec
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