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Session 1: Arrival in Port Nyanzaru Report

General Summary

Day 1 - The party is onboard the ship The Morning Star and can just spot Chult appearing on the horizon. They have been sailing for 30 days.   The party is accompanying Syndra Silvane to Port Nyanzaru to establish a Harper safe house and install a teleportation circle. Syndra is using a visit to her friend Wakanga O’tamu as the cover for the trip. Torus has been instructed by his temple to escort Undril Silvertusk to Camp Vengeance. Bee is nervous about returning to Chult as here parents fled Chult when she was a small child and were murdered shortly after, this is her first time back since then.   Also onboard the ship is one of the Rockseeker brothers and some of his staff who will be setting up an import export office in Port Nyanzaru as a front for the Harper safe house and helping to build the teleportation circle.   The Morning Star is chased by a pirate ship with the flag of a strige. But they outrun is and enter the Bay of Chult where Aremag, the Dragon Turtle appears. The passengers on the boat collect enough money that Aremag lets them pass.   The ship enters the port and the Harbour master Zindar lands on the boat and checks everyone's reasons for being in Port Nyanzaru. He know Syndra and is happy to see her.   On arrival Syndra goes to Wakanga’s villa, the Rockseekers go to their new warehouse with their agent Losi and Torus takes Undrill to the Order of the Gauntlets Villa to start preparations for the trip to Camp Vengeance.   The rest of the party headed to The Thundering Lizard to settle in. At the Thundering Lizard the party meets The Yellow Banner who are heading off to the Jungle the following morning so are having a pre-expedition celebration. The party gets some advice from the Yellow Banner on getting a guide and survival in the jungle. They also get some tasty rumors.   Dorie decides to walk to Wakanga's Villa on her own to see the sights and make sure Syndra has settled in ok. Wakanga tells her some of the history of Chult and Port Nyanzaru and about the merchant princes. He also tells her that her and Syndra are going to in a few days visit an archaeological dig that he is sponsoring and would they like to join them. At the dig site they have discovered a large circular maze which is one of the Webway of Ubtao portals.   Dorie stays for dinner before heading back to the Thundering Lizard. On the way back she encounters three members of the Flaming Fist who are drunk and harassing some fruit sellers. When they see Dorie they start demanding to see a Charter of Exploration before drawing swords on her. She quickly kills two of them by casting burning hands but the third is a veteran who stabs her and leaves her for dead before staggering off drunk. The shop keepers stabilize her and carry her back to the Thundering Lizard where the Yellow Banner’s Cleric heals her.
Tomb of Annihilation
Busy Bee
Bree Hilltopper
Herbert the Great
Balin Broadhammer
Dorie Elfin
Report Date
30 Aug 2022
Primary Location


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