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Mug's Children

Mug's kidnapped/adopted children.
Tapio(m) -Tapio is the adventurous one of the children. He'll often act without thinking first, usually resulting in things being broken or toys being stolen.
Zeme(f) -Zeme is a tomboy and often gets in fights with Lempo and Sucellus, despite being children, they are quite strong so this can cause quite a bit of collateral damage.
Lempo(m) -Lempo is the oldest and often tries to act as if he's the leader. He is also developing a competitive streak.
Artio(f) -Artio is adventurous, she keeps waddling around and eating things she can get her hands on, which can be a problem depending on what it is.
Sucellus(m) -Sucellus is the biggest and is slowly convincing himself he's the also the toughest. He seems to be taking after Bungus.
Arduinna(f) -Arduinna seems to be developing a fascination with animals. For example, she LOVES Sugarcube. She seems to get along best with Ostara.
Seluano(m) -Seluano is curious, he enjoys playing with tools. He once made trouble around the keep when he was playing with Mug's stonemason tools and tried to lay bricks.
Ostara(f) -Ostara is closest in attitude to the Ondonti however, while she has a longer fuse, she is still prone to anger. She is discovering that she likes plants.
Cernunnos(m) -Cernunnos is slowly discovering that he is comforted having an established routine in his life. He also likes knowing where everyone is and what they're doing. He gets along best with Lempo.
Druanta(f) -Druanta is attention seeking and can get jealous when she's not the center of attention. She's probably taking after Ye.


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