The calendar of Harptos in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The calendar of Harptos

The world of the Forgotten Realms uses the Calendar of Harptos, named after the long-dead wizard who invented it. Each year of 365 days is divided into twelve months of thirty days each. Each month is divided into three tendays. Five special holidays fall between the months and mark the seasons. Another special holiday, Shieldmeet, is inserted into the calendar after Midsummer every four years.  
Month Name Common Name
1 Hammer Deepwinter
Annual holiday: Midwinter
2 Alturiak The Claw of Winter
3 Ches The Claw of Sunsets
4 Tarsakh The Claw of Storms
Annual holiday: Greengrass
5 Mirtul The Melting
6 Kythorn The Time of Flowers
7 Flamerule Summertide
Annual holiday:
Quadrennial holiday:
8 Eleasias Highsun
9 Eleint The Fading
Annual holiday: Highharvesttide
10 Marpenoth Leaffall
11 Uktar The Rotting
Annual holiday: The Feast of the Moon
12 Nightal The Drawing Down