Torg's Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


A travelling merchant caravan owned by Torrga Icevein.   Believed by Hlin Trollbane to be employing a serial murderer.


Torg’s is an outdoor shop. Goods are unpacked and displayed in crates, with small canopies to keep the snow off them. Most of Torrga’s goods are stolen or fenced, and she sells them for double the normal price. She has a protection racket that earns her a little coin on the side, and she also commits murders for profit on the sly.


The Torg’s caravan consists of three heavily laden dogsleds, each one pulled by six friendly sled dogs. One sled carries provisions and supplies for Torrga, her team, and her dogs. It flies a flag bearing the company’s emblem, a gold wolf’s paw on a black field. The other two sleds transport goods for sale, including cut wood, flint and tinder, flasks of whale oil, blankets, furs, rations, bottles of wine, casks of cheap ale, fake medicines, and vials of poison (used primarily for killing vermin).   One of the larger sacks on Torrga’s sled contains the frozen corpse of a male half-elf in his thirties with a stab wound in his chest. The half-elf had a bounty on his head and came to Icewind Dale to disappear. Torrga found him and killed him with Sephek’s help. Once she’s sold off her goods in Ten Towns, she plans to deliver the corpse to Luskan and collect the 125 gp bounty.
Guild, Merchant